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3.00 Credits
M. Coyle, E. Sun Topics in contemporary critical theory studied at an advanced level. (Post-1800 course.)
3.00 Credits
Staff A study of several of the author's major works, including Ulysses. (Post-1800 course.)
3.00 Credits
J. Pinchin A study of novels, stories, and essays by the two major writers of the Bloomsbury Group and an examination of the impact of Bloomsbury on modern thought. (Post-1800 course.)
1.00 Credits
P. Balakian, M. Coyle An advanced seminar focused on the works of one or more of the important modernist poets, such as Crane, Eliot, H.D., Frost, Moore, Pound, Stein, Stevens, Williams, or Yeats. One course in 19th-century poetry is recommended. (Post-1800 course.)
3.00 Credits
S. Cerasano An exploration of the relationship between life writing, as practiced by modern biographers of Renaissance subjects, together with the autobiography and "self-fashioning" practiced by early modern subjects. Emphasis is given to understanding of the literature and the cultural history of the early modern period as a narrative told by both early subjects and their later commentators. The scope of subjects extends across a variety of countries representing "characters" that include the Merchant, the Prince, the Artisan, and the Common Person. Open to junior and senior English majors; juniors and seniors from other disciplines with permission of instructor. (Pre-1800 course.
3.00 Credits
E. Sun An advanced seminar in a topic, author, genre, or theme in English literature, 1798-1901. (Post-1800 course.)
3.00 Credits
C. Harsh An advanced seminar in a topic - author, genre, or theme - in 19th-century English fiction. Prior course work in 19th-century British literature is recommended but not required. (Post-1800 course.)
3.00 Credits
S. Cerasano English drama from the mid-16th century to the closing of the theaters in 1642, including plays by Kyd, Marlowe, Jonson, Middleton, Webster, and others of Shakespeare's contemporaries. (Pre-1800 course.)
3.00 Credits
M. Davies, L. Staley An advanced seminar in a topic - author, genre, or theme - in medieval English literature. (Pre-1800 course.)
3.00 Credits
S. Cerasano, G. Hudson, M. Maurer An advanced seminar in a topic - author, genre, or theme - in English literature, 1580-1660. (Pre-1800 course.)
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