Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Studies ways in which teachers can evaluate child behavior and development with an emphasis on classroom application; instruction and practice in the use and interpretation of observations, anecdotal records, rating scales, interviews, achievement tests, intelligence tests, questionnaires, and sociometric and projective techniques. Prerequisite: EPSY 404 or consent of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Advanced course intended primarily for teachers and supervisors of younger children, ages three to eight; reviews and analyzes research findings, experimentation, and current trends in curriculum organization, procedures, and materials essential to developing classroom programs for children.
4.00 Credits
Includes principles underlying education practices in day care centers, preschool/nursery and kindergarten settings derived from theory and research in developmental psychology, social psychology, anthropology, and other related disciplines.
4.00 Credits
Role of dance, drama, music, literature, and the visual arts in early childhood education, focusing on production/performance, appreciation, history, and aesthetics. Interrelationships among curriculum, notions of child development, cultural contexts, and unique traditions of different arts disciplines. Current art education practices in the United States and other countries. Requires attendance at performances and visits to an art museum. Prerequisite: Graduate status.
4.00 Credits
Addresses theories of learning, research studies, curriculum development projects, and other factors that have influenced elementary mathematics programs; also considers problems and issues in contemporary programs. Prerequisite: CI 500 or CI 520 or consent of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Focuses on procedures for developing curricula in the major content areas of mathematics and considers alternative instructional procedures. Prerequisite: CI 430 or consent of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Considers research perspectives, policies and practices associated with the professional development of mathematics teachers. Specifically, students will examine what policymakers recommend for effective professional development, what research findings seem to suggest, how schools do professional development for successful mathematics teaching, and the implications of policy and real world practices for equality of opportunity for mathematics learning.
4.00 Credits
Focuses on the role of problem solving in the learning and teaching of mathematics. Examines mathematical problem solving processes, as well as issues surrounding the use of problem solving in K-12 mathematics classrooms, including recent reform trends, equity issues, and distinctions among teaching "about", "for", and "through" problem solving.
4.00 Credits
Advanced seminar in science education for teachers, consultants, and administrators. Identifies major problems and issues; analyzes current trends and research; and develops a philosophical framework related to science education. Prerequisite: Teacher education course in science and two years of college science; or consent of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Surveys issues in philosophy of science that are central to science education through an exploration of the works of twentieth century philosophers of science who were most influential in shaping thinking about science in the science education community. Relevant readings from science and history of science are also explored. Prerequisite: College level coursework in a science discipline or consent of instructor.
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