Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Studies the principles and practices of using play as an educational tool in early childhood education; reviews historical, philosophical, and psychological foundations of nursery-kindergarten methods; assesses techniques relating play to various aspects of instruction; surveys materials and equipment; and presents methods of classroom evaluation. No graduate credit. Concurrent enrollment in EDPR 420 and EDPR 438; credit or concurrent registration in EDPR 250, section EC. Prerequisite: CI 420; admission to the Early Childhood Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Credits
Principles and practices of building partnerships and collaboration among families, community agencies, and schools in a diverse society for early childhood professionals; covers strategies for building understanding, trust, and effective communication with all children and their families including those who have special needs, have cultural and linguistic differences, come from non-traditional family configurations, and who face poverty, health problems, and/or family dysfunction. Prerequisite: Admission to the Early Childhood Teacher Education Program.
3.00 Credits
Examines children's learning of mathematics and meaningful instructional methods, representations and materials. Emphasis given to number and operations (including both whole and rational numbers), number theory and statistics/probability. Includes laboratory experience with supervised problem solving. Credit is not given for both CI 430 and CI 431. Prerequisite: MATH 103; admission to the Elementary Teacher Education Program.
4.00 Credits
Examines the organization, scope, and sequence of the mathematics program and the functional nature of mathematics; methods, techniques, experiences, and materials of value in teaching mathematics, and the role of the classroom teacher. Includes laboratory experience, with supervised problem solving. Credit is not given for both CI 430 and CI 431. Prerequisite: MATH 103; admission to the Special Education Program.
3.00 Credits
Course will model and examine an investigative approach to elementary mathematics instruction, which is purposeful, inquiry-based, and meaningful mathematics instruction. Particular focus will be given to the teaching and learning of measurement, geometry and algebra/functions. Prerequisite: CI 430 or CI 431; admission to the Elementary Teacher Education Program.
2.00 - 4.00 Credits
Analyzes historical, political, and educational influences on bilingual/ESL education, the potential of various program models to promote academic achievement, and the theoretical and practical reasons for bilingual instruction. Attention is given to the research base underlying bilingual education programs. Same as LLS 433. 3 undergraduate hours. 2 or 4 graduate hours.
3.00 Credits
This is a required course for students seeking a mathematics endorsement at the middle school level while earning or holding teacher certification in another subject area. It is also required for students completing the campus Teacher Education Minor in Mathematics for grades 9-12 and the Teacher Education Minor in Mathematics for grades 6-8. This methods course covers: a) The NCTM and Illinois Learning Standards for Mathematics, b) "Best practice" in mathematics pedagogy, c) Assessment in the mathematics classroom, d) technology in mathematics classrooms, and e) the design of unit and lesson plans in mathematics. Students will design and deliver lessons as part of their course work. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Although there are no stated prerequisites for this course, it is advised that most, if not all, of the mathematics content requirements be completed before taking this course.
4.00 Credits
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) and its relation to classroom teaching; the teacher's role in development, management, and criticism of CAI lessons; treatment of topics including instructional capabilities of CAI systems, instructional programming, and the design of CAI lessons. Same as CS 417. Prerequisite: A 100 level Computer Science course or consent of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Examines the role of the computer as an instructional tool in the secondary school mathematics classroom; reviews curricular materials and develops sample classroom projects in computer mathematics; analyzes computational problems and develops algorithms for their solution; and includes iteration, Monte Carlo methods, and simulation. Prerequisite: CS 101 or consent of instructor.
5.00 Credits
The principles, place and practice of science and mathematics education in early childhood education and in the lives of young children; stresses the functional nature of science and mathematics and their inter-relatedness; presents methods, techniques, experiences, and materials of value in teaching mathematics and science in early childhood education; and the role of the classroom teacher. Opportunity for experience in field and laboratory work. Requires concurrent enrollment in EDPR 432. Prerequisite: CI 420, general education requirements in mathematics (MATH 103 or equivalent), 2 years of college science, admission to the Early Childhood Teacher Education Program.
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