Course Criteria
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0.00 - 16.00 Credits
Research on the thesis and preparation of the thesis. Summer: 0 to 8 hours. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated in the same or subsequent terms to a maximum of 16 hours. (Summer session may be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours.)
1.00 Credits
Civil engineering orientation including historical developments, education requirements, relation to science, professional practice, and specialties within the profession.
1.00 - 5.00 Credits
May be repeated.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the formulation and solution of civil engineering problems. Major topics: engineering economy, mathematical modeling, and optimization. Application of techniques, including classical optimization, linear and nonlinear programming, network theory, critical path methods, simulation, decision theory, and dynamic programming to a variety of civil engineering problems. Credit is not given for both CEE 201 and either GE 330 or IE 310. Prerequisite: MATH 231; credit or concurrent registration in MATH 225.
3.00 Credits
Identification and modeling of non-deterministic problems in civil engineering design and decision making. Development of stochastic concepts and simulation models, and their relevance to real design and decision problems in various areas of civil engineering. Credit is not given for both CEE 202 and either GE 331 or IE 300. Prerequisite: Recommended: credit or concurrent registration in MATH 241.
4.00 Credits
Macroscopic mechanical behavior in terms of phenomena at the nanometer and micrometer levels for the three types of engineering materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers) with emphasis on specific materials used in civil engineering -- steel, rocks, clay, portland cement concrete, asphaltic concrete, and wood. Lecture-lab format. Same as TAM 324. Credit is not given for both CEE 300 and either ME 330 or MSE 280. Prerequisite: Completion of Composition I general education requirement; CHEM 104; TAM 251.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the design, planning, operation, management, and maintenance of transportation systems; integrated multi-modal transportation systems (highways, air, rail, etc.); layout of highways, airports, and railroads with traffic flow models, capacity analysis, and safety. Design of facilities and systems with life cycle costing procedures and criteria for optimization. Prerequisite: TAM 251; credit or concurrent registration in CEE 202.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the construction processes: contracting and bonding, planning and scheduling, estimating and project control, productivity models, and construction econometrics. Prerequisite: CEE 201; credit or concurrent registration in CS 101 and CEE 202.
3.00 Credits
Sources, characteristics, transport, and effects of air and water contaminants; biological, chemical, and physical processes in water; atmospheric structure and composition; unit operations for air and water quality control; solid waste management; environmental quality standards. Prerequisite: CHEM 104.
3.00 Credits
Quantitative aspects of water in the earth's environment and its engineering implications, including design and analysis of systems directly concerned with use and control of water; quantitative introduction to hydrology, hydraulic engineering, and water resources planning. Prerequisite: CEE 202; credit or concurrent registration in TAM 335 and CEE 201.
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