Course Criteria
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2.00 - 4.00 Credits
Introduction to operations research techniques; topics include the construction and solution of linear models under certainty, and the construction of probabilistic models, specifically queuing theory, Markov chains, and sequential decisions.
2.00 Credits
This course provides quantitative tools for solution of management problems involving risk, competing objectives, and complex constraints. The course will provide hands-on experience with techniques for solving these problems, with a particular emphasis on models and methods that enable managers to proactively manage and mitigate risk, obtain insight, and support decision making. Models are illustrated with applications to operations management, finance, and marketing, with a particular emphasis on issues associated with project portfolio management. Hands-on modeling skills are developed using spreadsheet-based software tools. We will consider challenges that executives and organizations encounter when implementing these approaches, and demonstrate how mathematical models can improve on "seat of the pants" methods.
4.00 Credits
Elements of computer simulations, including modeling deterministic and stochastic systems, generation of random numbers and variables, and probability and statistics related to modeling, validating, running, and of interpreting computer simulations. Same as CS 545. Prerequisite: CS 105 or CS 125 and STAT 400, or equivalent background in computer and statistical principles, or consent of the instructor.
4.00 Credits
Introduction to maximum likelihood estimating techniques; topics including the use and limitations of least squares, two-stage least squares, limited-information and full-information estimates; and consideration of problems with observational errors, multicolinearity, and autocorrelation in time-series and cross-section structural estimation. A major portion of the course is devoted to the application of the econometric techniques in business forecasting and analysis. Prerequisite: BADM 573 or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
The operational analysis of the problems of individual decisions under uncertainty that arise in the practice of management.
4.00 Credits
Application of Markov processes to describe, analyze, and design systems of interest in management science, including queues, inventory, production, brand loyalty, stock market, and other applications. Prerequisite: MATH 461 or STAT 400, or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Mathematical programming models (linear, integer, quadratic, nonlinear, dynamic, and combinatorial) used to describe, analyze, and design systems such as production, transportation, scheduling, and planning. Prerequisite: MATH 415 or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Examines critical issues facing managers who work in multinational firms. Designed to develop students' skills for working in a global business environment. Topics include foreign market entry strategies, global management of the functional areas of business, and management and control of multinational firms in the global marketplace. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
4.00 Credits
Continuation of BADM 582. Examines topics related to management and integration of multinational firms not covered in BADM 582. Possible topics include foreign investment decisionmaking, global manufacturing and supply chain management, international joint ventures and strategic alliances, cross-border mergers, global R&D, and global strategic human resource management. May be repeated. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
4.00 Credits
Analyzes marketing strategy across national boundaries, the problems of marketing within foreign countries, and the coordination of global marketing programs. Includes problems faced by the exporter, licensor, joint venture, and multinational firm. The full range of market activities are discussed from a global perspective. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
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