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4.00 Credits
This graduate level course examines emerging information technologies, in particular based on the Internet and mobile applications, to support management decisions. This course combines the technical, business and managerial aspects of developing advanced electronic business systems. Credit is not given for this course and BADM 453.
4.00 Credits
Graduate level course. Covers software development principles and implementations. Course topics include: Object-oriented programming, Java, C, C++, C#, with Java as the main language of implementation. Prerequisite: Graduate student standing.
4.00 Credits
Addresses enterprise IT governance, with a focus on (1) IT governance strategy, including strategic mapping, IT portfolio management, and IT risks assessment; (2) IT control frameworks for organizing IT processes and defining management control objectives, and (9) Trustworthy information management.
4.00 Credits
Doctoral seminar aimed at preparing students for conducting research in the IS/IT area. Topics covered include: IS/IT research methods, approaches, and applications. Different research perspectives are surveyed. Emphasizes the scholarly process and the development of IS/IT research programs for an academic career. Prerequisite: Ph.D. standing in BADM or consent of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Focuses on unique challenges arising in services because customers cannot be separated from service creation and delivery processes; emphasizes integration of operations, marketing, and human resources management; and includes topics such as design/delivery of services, service quality/productivity, and strategic role of information technology in services. Prerequisite: First year of the MBA program or equivalent.
2.00 - 4.00 Credits
Focuses on how to manage flows of products and services from raw material sources to final customers and associate flows of information. Helps students to develop a system view of measuring channel performance, integrating cross-functional activities, and coordinating processes across organizations. Prerequisite: First year of the MBA program or equivalent.
2.00 - 4.00 Credits
Introductory course in decision-making problems in production; includes the theoretical foundations for production management as well as the applications of decision-making techniques to production problems in the firm; and considers production processes, plant layout, maintenance, scheduling, quality control, and production control in particular. Prerequisite: First year of the MBA program or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
In-depth treatment of concepts involved in designing and implementing planning and control systems within the context of a dynamic environment; particular emphasis on the systematic use of information to maintain the efficient flow of materials, utilization of people and technology, coordination with suppliers, and communication with customers. Prerequisite: First year of the MBA program or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Current and classical literature in the area of Operations Management. The topics covered may vary from year to year and may include performance measures, inventory management, planning, scheduling, location, layout, product design, process design, and forecasting. May be repeated in the same or separate terms to a maximum of 12 hours. Prerequisite: Ph.D. standing in BADM or consent of instructor.
4.00 Credits
The application of classical and modern statistics for business decision making. The level of the course assumes some prior knowledge of basic statistics as well as facility with elementary calculus.
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