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4.00 Credits
Concepts, methods, and applications of decision modeling to marketing issues including segmentation, targeting and positioning, new product design and development, advertising, sales force and promotion planning, and sales forecasting. Assists students to build "smart" spreadsheets to improve marketing decisions. Prerequisite: First year of the MBA program or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Studies alternative models of buyer behavior; focuses attention on psychological, sociological, and economic factors including motivation, learning, attitudes, personality, reference groups, social stratification, demographics, life-styles, and cross-cultural differences and their impact on purchasing, consumption, and choice decisions. Prerequisite: BADM 520 or first year of MBA program or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Develops concepts and techniques for formulating and administering prices in a variety of business situations. Focuses on understanding the internal and external environment through relevant information acquisition and analysis for developing appropriate pricing strategies and tactics. Prerequisite: First year of the MBA program or equivalent.
2.00 - 4.00 Credits
The decisions on the firm's total market offer, including such topics as use of market analysis in making decisions on assortment, product development, pricing, packaging, branding, and sales forecasting; coordination of these decisions and actions with market communications, physical movement, production, finance, and the overall goals and policies of the firm; and emphasizes the use of analytic and research methods in making assortment and product decisions. Prerequisite: BADM 520 or first year of MBA program or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Case and discussion-based course that focuses on how firms that are engaged in marketing to organizations. Examines how to identify competitive marketing advantages, assess market needs, and leverage or sustain these advantages. Prerequisite: First year of the MBA program or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Examines primary elements and problems in the area of sales force management; studies such topics as the dyadic interaction between the buyer and seller, the sales presentation, important salesperson characteristics, the selection, training, assignment, motivation, and compensation of salespeople, supervision and evaluation of the sales force, and coordination of the sales force with other elements in a firm's marketing program. Uses case studies. Prerequisite: BADM 520 or first year of MBA program or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Management orientation to promotional strategy for the medium and large size organization: includes analyses of the primary elements of the promotional function from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives emphasizing such factors as (1) selection among alternative promotional tools, (2) the promotional budgeting and allocation process, and (3) determination of appropriate messages and media schedules for given product/market situations. Explores widely used models in depth for strategic usefulness; emphasizes case analysis and contemporary situations. Prerequisite: BADM 520 or first year of MBA program or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Examines the collection and analysis of information applied to marketing decisions; stresses quantitative methods including samplings, scalings, experimental design, forecasting, and multivariate procedures through the use of class projects on actual market research problems. Prerequisite: BADM 520 or first year of MBA program or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Analysis of survey methods in marketing with emphasis on sample design, data collection, and data processing; an advanced course in the methods required to design, implement, and evaluate a research project. Same as SOC 576.
4.00 Credits
Focuses on sustainable product and market development for subsistence marketplaces; virtual immersion in subsistence contexts; emersion of principles for business, design, and engineering; idea generation and evaluation by groups of business, engineering, and design students; optional international field trip over winter break; option to enroll in a spring course on developing product prototype and business plan. Prerequisite: Application process.
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