Course Criteria
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2.00 - 4.00 Credits
Develops and integrates fundamental behavioral concepts and theory having administrative applications; initially focuses on the individual decision maker and ultimately includes interpersonal, organizational, and social structures and influences; and develops strategies and methods of research on behavioral applications in business.
4.00 Credits
Examines and analyzes the organization as a social system and the impact of its various components on work attitudes and behavior; topics include the development of organizational structures, organizational effectiveness, decision making and policy formulation, leadership, and change.
4.00 Credits
Introduction to the principal theories and important empirical research in various disciplines that study organizations; in addition to examination of the subject matter content of various disciplines, students critically examine the capacities and limitations of the various fields to make contributions to the study of organizations. Same as PS 514, PSYC 553, and SOC 575. Prerequisite: Enrollment as a major in organizational sciences in a cooperating program or consent of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Examines the organization and administration of the personnel function in management; the relations of personnel administration to operating departments and the scope of business and industrial personnel services; analytical appraisal of policies and practices in selected areas of personnel administration, such as selection and training, carried out through case studies and direct industrial contracts; and specificconsideration given to problems up to and including placing the person on a job. Same as LER 548. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Same as LER 565. See LER 565.
2.00 Credits
Provides a solid grounding to students interested in managing various aspects of the innovation process that facilitate the creation, synthesis, and organization of knowledge for the development of economically valued products, processes, and services within organizations. Covers both the analytic frameworks for understanding the innovation process as well as the strategic and organizational challenges involved in managing technological innovation. Specifically focuses on managerial actions that create the organizational environment in which new opportunities are identified and new business models are developed to create value. Prerequisite: BADM 508 or consent of the instructor.
2.00 Credits
Review and analysis of major organization theory topics stressing the sociological, economic and managerial foundations or macro organizational behavior. Topics include: the role of the social and economic environment on the functions, evolution and transformation of individual organizations; and inter-organizational relations, the ecology of organizations and institutional factors that shape organization action. May be repeated in the same or separate terms to a maximum of 4 hours. Students may take multiple topics under the course designation, but can only take each topic once for credit towards degree requirements. Prerequisite: Ph.D. standing in BADM or consent of instructor.
4.00 Credits
Seminar in topics of organizational behavior and organizational theory. Topics include: Seminar in Organizational Behavior (explores the most recent research in the field of Organizational Behavior); and Seminar in Organizational Theory (explores the most recent research in the field of Organizational Theory). May be repeated in the same or separate terms to a maximum of 8 hours. Students may take multiple topics under the course designation, but can only take each topic once for credit towards degree requirements. Prerequisite: Ph.D. standing in BADM or consent of instructor.
2.00 - 4.00 Credits
Introduces concepts useful in understanding marketing systems and buyer behavior in addition to developing skills in making marketing decisions; the orientation is primarily managerial and uses examples from both business and non-business contexts.
4.00 Credits
Formal analysis of strategy drawing on concepts from the theory of games, decision theory, value theory, and information theory; topics cover elements of game models, classes of decision problems, games against nature, modern utility theory, information theory, group decision making, statistical decision theory, and linear and nonlinear optimization.
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