Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
An introduction to the computer, to the algorithmic process, and to programming in C/C++ using standard control structures. Windows and/or UNIX operating systems are used. Prerequisite: ENGR 101 Introduction to Engineering I; ENGT 105 Engineering Problem Solving or Permission of the instructor
3.00 Credits
Advanced program design and implementation in the C++ programming language. Object-oriented programming with concepts including class structure and behavior, objects, inheritance and reuse, virtual functions and polymorphism, exception handling, templates, and the Standard Template Library. The Windows and/or UNIX operating are used. Prerequisite: ENGR 203 Introduction to Programming
3.00 Credits
The first part of this course covers the application of the principles of engineering mechanics to problems involving equilibrium of particles and solids. Topics include resultants, equilibrium, friction, trusses, center of gravity and moments of inertia. The second part of this course introduces the principles of mechanics necessary for the solution of engineering problems relating to strength, stiffness and material selection. Topics covered include stress, strain, torsion, beams, columns and combined stresses at a point. Prerequisite: PHYS 112 General Physics I Corequisite: MATH 300 Calculus III
3.00 Credits
Engineering applications of the concepts of probability, statistical distributions, statistical analysis, regression and correlation analysis, analysis of variance and covariance, design of experiments.
3.00 Credits
Structure of matter. Physical and mechanical properties of materials including metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, and electronic materials. Equilibrium diagrams. Heat treatments, material selection and testing and corrosion phenomena.
3.00 Credits
Analysis of the time value of money as applied to the manufacturing environment. Economic analysis of engineering decisions. Determining rates of return on investments. Effects of inflation, depreciation and income taxes. Sensitivity, uncertainty, and risk analysis. Application of basic principles and tools of analysis using case studies. Prerequisite: MATH 200 Calculus I
3.00 Credits
Basic concepts and definitions, properties of pure substance, work and heat, first law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics, and introduction to conductive, and radiative heat transfer. Prerequisites: MATH 300 Calculus III; PHYS 112 General Physics I
3.00 Credits
Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies. Rectilinear motion, Curvilinear motion, Coordinates systems, velocity, acceleration, relative motion. Newton's second law. Kinetics of particles, Angular momentum, Work-energy methods, Impulse and momentum. Vector mathematics where appropriate. Prerequisites: ENGR 210 Statics/Strength of Materials
3.00 Credits
An analysis of the basic principles of quality control, including Total Quality Management and design and analysis of process control charts and sampling plans.
2.00 Credits
Introduction to professional field of engineering technology; professional ethics and responsibilities of technologists; application of hand calculator to engineering problem solving; systems of units and their conversions; engineering problem-solving techniques. Corequisite: MATH 120 College Algebra and Trigonometry I
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