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3.00 Credits
Applications of advanced database systems. Students will work on a series of projects using industry standard software. Prerequisite: CSCI 356 or its equivalent.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CSCI 281 Discrete Structures
3.00 Credits
Exploration of the design of programming language translators. Includes parsing, run-time storage management, error recovery, and code generation and optimization. Prerequisites: CSCI 485 Programming Languages; CSCI 460 Computability and Formal Language Theory Techniques of modeling objects for the purpose of computer rendering: boundary representations, constructive solids geometry, hierarchical scene descriptions: mathematical techniques for curve and surface representation. Basic elements of computer graphics rendering pipeline; architecture of modern graphics display devices; Geometrical transformations such as rotation, scaling, translation, and their matrix representations. Homogenous coordinates, projective and perspective transformations: Algorithms for clipping, hidden surface removal, rasterization, and anti-aliasing. Scan-line based and ray rendering algorithms. Lighting models for reflection, refraction, transparency. Prerequisites: CSCI 387 Data Structures; MATH 301 Multivariate Calculus; MATH 325 Linear Algebra
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: CSCI 250 Programming in C++ II; MATH 325 Linear Algebra
3.00 Credits
This course is fundamental for students who will pursue graduate studies of applications of computers to science and engineering. Vector and matrix Norms. Numerical Linear Algebra, condition number, singular values. Householder and Givens transformations. Orthogonalization and least Squares methods. The eigenvalue problem. Basic iterative methods: Jacobi Gauss-Seidel and SOR.
3.00 Credits
Concepts for structuring data, computation, and whole programs. Object-oriented languages, functional languages, logic- and rule-based languages. Data Types, type checking, exception handling, concurrent processes, synchronization, modularity, encapsulation, interfaces, separate compilation, inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding, sub typing, overloading, beta-reduction, unification. Prerequisite: CSCI 387 Data Structures
3.00 Credits
A formal approach to current techniques in software design and development. Students work in teams in the organization, management, and development of a large software project. Prerequisite: CSCI 387 Data Structures Prerequisite: CSCI 388 or its equivalent.
3.00 Credits
A study of computer architecture with an emphasis on a quantitative approach to cost/performance design tradeoffs, including the fundamentals of uniprocessors and multiprocessors, scheduling, speculation, and multithreading. In addition, students may choose any two of the following Mathematics, Information Systems and/or Computer Engineering courses as electives: MATH 392, MATH 301, MATH 350, MATH 400, MATH 425, MATH 432, MATH 445, MATH 490, CPEG 303, CPEG 307, CPEG 308, CPEG 410, CPEG 411, CPEG 415, CISY 344, CISY 350, CISY 358, CISY 359, CISY 466, CISY 480.
3.00 Credits
Recommended for students pursuing a graduate degree in Computer Science, definitions of algorithm and its complexity, proof of correctness of an algorithm, notion of time and space complexity, the complexity hierarchy, average and worst case complexity, complexity of search and sorting algorithms, recurrence relations arising from basic algorithms, linear and non-linear recurrences, divide-and-conquer algorithms, dynamic programming. Prerequisite: CSCI 387 Data Structures Basic problem-solving strategies, heuristic search, problem reduction AND/OR graphs, knowledge representation, expert systems, generating explanations, uncertainty reasoning, game playing, planning, machine learning, computer vision, and programming systems such as Lisp or Prolog. Formal models of computation such as finite state automata, pushdown automata and Turing machines. Formal definitions of languages, problems, and language classes including recursive, recursively enumerable, regular, and context free languages. Halting problems, undecidable problems, recursive functions, Chomsky hierarchy, Church's thesis and the limits of computability. Proofs of program properties including correctness.
3.00 Credits
The investigation of special problems in computer science on an individual basis. The student must submit a proposal of this investigation. The result of the investigation will be printed in a report. Prerequisite: Senior level standing in Computer Science or Instructor's Permission