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3.00 Credits
A course which examines statistical techniques which are applicable even if the form of the sampled population is unknown. Wilcoxon rank-sum test, Mann-Whitney U-test, sign test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, tests for randomness, Spearman's correlation, Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics, Tukey's quick test, Friedman and Cochran's test, computer programs. Prerequisite: STAT 380 Probability and Statistics I
3.00 Credits
A course in multivariate methods using matrix algebra and applied statistics to analyze several correlated measurements made on each experimental unit. Multivariate normal distribution, estimation and hypotheses testing in multiple regression, Hotelling's T, one-way multivariate analysis of variance, introduction to discriminant and factor analysis, principal components and canonical correlations. Multivariate analysis programs from BMD and SPSS will also be discussed. Prerequisite: STAT 310 Elementary Statistics II or STAT 410 Advanced Statistical Methods
3.00 Credits
A course designed to apply probability theory to the study of phenomena in engineering, management science, operations research, and the physical and social sciences. Markov's inequality, conditional expectation, Markov chains, Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, interarrival and waiting time distributions. Prerequisite: STAT 480 Probability and Statistics II
3.00 Credits
A rigorous development of the theory of probability, emphasizing the axiomatic development of the subject. Formal probability systems, conditional probability, sequences of events, independence of events, random variables, probability density and distribution functions, joint distributions, independence of random variables, functions and transformations of random variables, fundamental limit theorems. Prerequisites: At least two 400 level courses or consent of the instructor
3.00 Credits
Designed to provide students with fundamentals of construction, production, personal choice merchandising, marketing and producing apparel goods.
3.00 Credits
Emphasis is placed upon selection and management practices in relation to individual and family needs. This includes the handicaps, the elderly and special needs person.
3.00 Credits
Study of historic costumes with emphasis on developing an appreciation and understanding of fundamentals of historic costumes in relation to fashion trends.
3.00 Credits
A framework for fashion merchandising strategy. Emphasis on elements of merchandising, new product decisions, planned and assortment policy, as well as, evaluation.
3.00 Credits
Major emphasis on techniques of designing patterns and altering flat patterns. Advanced construction techniques and original design in appropriate fabrics are studied. Prerequisites: TAMM 373 Fashion Illustration
3.00 Credits
Understanding of textile design as an art, craft, and process in consumer business and industrial applications. Emphasis is placed on creation and execution of designs and their appropriateness to various fibers in the environment. Prerequisite: TAMM 373 Fashion Illustration
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