Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
A study of the works of Valle-Inclan, Azorin, Unamuno, Maextu, and others. Prerequisite: SPAN 213 INTERMEDIATE Spanish II
3.00 Credits
Comprehensive and systematic study of Spain and its role in world history from its origins as a nation to the transition to democracy and beyond; conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 310 or SPAN 313 (Spanish Composition or Spanish Conversation)
3.00 Credits
Comprehensive and systematic study of the origin and development of the Spanish Americas and their role in world history from pre-Columbian civilizations to the present; conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 310 Spanish Composition or SPAN 313 Spanish Conversation
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to permit an in-depth study in an area of language and/or literature not available in current course offerings. Course may be repeated once upon change of topic. Prerequisite: SPAN 213 Intermediate Spanish II
4.00 Credits
Independent readings and studies in Spanish planned in consultation with and pursued under the direction of the instructor; acquaints the student with methods of research and literary criticism and introduces bibliographical material. Prerequisite: Eighteen semester hours of Spanish
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to provide students with in-depth knowledge of the theories, characteristics, etiology, and educational implications of students with exceptional learning needs. These include: related disabilities such as attention deficit disorders; specific age-span and developmental issues; cognitive functioning including intelligence, perception, neurobiology, linguistics, memory and thinking; levels of severity; multi-cultural influences; and medical aspects including medication, nutrition, genetics, and neurology. The course will describe deficits in academic, cognitive, socio-emotional behaviors; educational, technological, and medical interventions; placement options; curriculum design and current research on instructional approaches, and technology use. Prerequisites: EDUC 315 Data Driven Instructional Design
3.00 Credits
This course provides an introduction to the philosophical, historical, and legal foundations of special education Learning Disability, Mental Retardation, and Emotional Disturb (LD, MR, ED). The course highlights the characteristics of children and youth with disabilities relative to age and severity levels; medically related etiological perspectives of various disabilities; special education laws, etc. Developmental differences manifested in cognitive, linguistic, physical, psychomotor, social, or emotional functioning are addressed. An understanding of ethical issues and the practice of accepted standards of professional behavior is also addressed. Current regulations governing alternatives placements/programs in schools are highlighted. Strategies to promote successful integration of students with disabilities with their non-disabled peers will be taught. The structure and organization of general education classrooms and other instructional settings representing the continuum of special education will be addressed. An overview of continuum of services, assessment procedures, curriculum planning, and instructional strategies are provided. Candidates will be required to complete a field experience requirement of 15 hours as part of this course. Prerequisite: EDUC 201 Introduction to Teaching I EDUC 202 Introduction to Teaching II
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to address the skills to impart a thorough understanding of the complex nature of language acquisition and reading, including: phonemic awareness, an understanding of sound/symbol relationships, explicit phonics instruction, syllables, concepts of print, phonics, fluency, vocabulary development, and comprehension strategies. Additional skills shall include proficiency in writing strategies, as well as, the ability to foster an appreciation of a variety of literature and independent reading. Candidates will be required to complete a field experience requirement of 15 hours. Prerequisite: EDUC 201 Introduction to Teaching I
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to provide an understanding and application of the foundations of assessment and evaluation related to best educational practices such as legal provisions, regulations, and guidelines regarding assessment of individuals with disabilities. The impact of culture, linguistics and other variables on assessment findings and placement decisions will be addressed. Pre-candidates will select, administer, score and interpret various formal and informal individual and group instruments, and summarize findings for eligibility, placement and instructional decisions. Candidates will have experience with norm-reference, criterion reference, and curriculum-based measures, as well as, task analysis and portfolio assessments. Candidates will be required to complete a field experience requirement of 15 hours as a part of this course. Prerequisite: EDUC 315 Data Driven Instructional Design
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to address the skills that contribute to an understanding and application of classroom management techniques and individual interventions, including techniques that promote emotional well being and teach and maintain behavior conduct and skills consistent with norms standards, and rules of the educational environment. This course shall address diverse approaches based upon behavioral, cognitive, affective, social, and ecological theory and practice in a classroom setting.
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