Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
Study of planning and design concepts, standards and guidelines, use continuum, grants, and planning of selected areas and facilities; parks, pools, centers, and recreation resource areas development. Major emphasis placed upon the construction, planning, layout, and maintenance of recreation areas and facilities. Prerequisite: Junior standing HPER major or consent of instructor
2.00 Credits
Observation and practice of leadership in supervised recreation programs on campus and in the environment. One class meeting per week; other leadership periods by arrangement.
6.00 Credits
Off-campus opportunity provided for the student leader to put into use, under expert guidance, the theories and techniques involved in a total community organization for recreation.
3.00 Credits
An examination of philosophical concepts and issues of recreation and leisure with a focus upon current trends and issues in professional leisure service delivery. Play, games, work, and recreation are studied as aspects of human behavior affected by global, physical, societal, and personal concerns. Prerequisite: Senior standing HPER major or consent of instructor
2.00 Credits
An interdisciplinary seminar course for chemistry, biology, and physics teacher education majors which fosters critical thinking on controversial topics in modern science. The students will cover topics that highlight the interrelationships among the natural sciences, modern teaching techniques and trends in the sciences, and career opportunities in the natural sciences.
3.00 Credits
This course focuses on the family as a social institution, its development, functions and change in the United States and other societies. Changing values, gender roles, marital choice, socialization, and the effects of contemporary social change on the family, as we know it is studied.
3.00 Credits
The study of evidence of human evolution, developing cultures, racial groupings and people in preliterate societies.
3.00 Credits
A survey course that deals with the problems that characterize United States society. Focus is on understanding the social forces, movements, policies, and changes in identification of and response to social problems of the society, and the theories that attempt to explain these phenomena.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the concepts and theories that attempt to explain the behavior of the individual in society. Major topics include culture and personality, social roles, leadership, prejudice and propaganda. Review and analysis of current concepts and experimentation in the field are also included.
3.00 Credits
A study of the status of the various racial, religious, and ethnic minority groups in American society. Focus is on the forces relevant to establishment and maintenance of patterns domination and subordination between racial and ethnic groups. Critical analysis is made of discrimination, segregation, exploitation, hostility, and feelings of cleavage. American race and ethnic relations will be compared with those in other major societies.
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