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3.00 Credits
Study of elasticity and fluid mechanics. Topics include stress, strain, elastic moduli, elastic properties of rods, sheets and shells, basics of fluid mechanics, and viscous flows in simple geometries. Prerequisites: PHYS 313 Physical Mechanics; MATH 350 Differential Equations
3.00 Credits
A study of vector calculus, electrostatics, dielectric materials, special relativity, and the four vector notation. Prerequisites: PHYS 214 General Physics III; MATH 300 Calculus III Pre or Corequisite: MATH 301 Multivariate Calculus
3.00 Credits
A continuation of PHYS 414 including magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction, magnetic properties of matter, Maxell's equations, electromagnetic waves, and radiation. Prerequisite: PHYS 414 Electromagnetism I: MATH 301 Multivariate Calculus
3.00 Credits
A study of the foundations of the quantum theory, the Schrodinger equation, wave packets, free particles, particle in a box, the harmonic oscillator, coherent states, angular momentum and spin, Pauli spin matrices, addition of angular momenta, the hydrogen atom, complex atoms, Heisenberg matrix mechanics, and quantum computation. Prerequisites: PHYS 313 Physical Mechanics
3.00 Credits
Continuation of the study of quantum mechanics. Perturbation theory - time independent and time dependent, variational techniques, applications to atomic and molecular states, interaction of atoms and molecules with external electric and magnetic fields, relativistic quantum mechanics. Prerequisites: PHYS 416 Quantum Mechanics I
3.00 Credits
Mathematical techniques for solving physics problems are developed. Infinite series, vector analysis, boundary and initial value problems, complex analysis, special functions, Fourier analysis, probability theory, variational methods, stochastic processes and simulations, numerical methods for integrals, Fourier transforms, and linear algebra, and statistical methods for point and interval estimation and hypothesis testing are discussed.. Prerequisites: MATH 300 Calculus III
3.00 Credits
A study of many-particle systems. Topics include electronic states in crystals, statistical mechanics of polymers and membranes, liquid crystals, superconductivity, phase transitions, defects, Brownian motion, ordering kinetics. Prerequisites: PHYS 312 Thermal Physics; PHYS 313 Physical Mechanics Pre or Co-requisite: PHYS 416 Quantum Mechanics I
3.00 Credits
Primarily for Associate in Education majors; procedures in handling demonstration equipment used in teaching the basic laws and principles of physics. Prerequisites: PHYS 214 General Physics III, MATH 300 Calculus
3.00 Credits
A study of the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect, matter waves, the atomic nature of matter, Rutherford's and Bohr's models of the atom, wave mechanics, one-electron atoms, magnetic moments, spin, transition rates, the exclusion principle, multielectron atoms, the periodic table, quantum statistics, molecules, ionic and covalent bonds, molecular spectra, rotational and vibrational spectra and the Raman effect.. Prerequisites: PHYS 311 Optical Physics; PHYS 312 Thermal Physics; PHYS 416 Quantum Mechanics I Pre or Corequisite: Quantum Mechanics II
2.00 Credits
For senior physics major only; independent research/study on an approved topic of particular interest to the student. The student must submit a written thesis and pass a comprehensive oral examination.