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1.00 Credits
Explores the historical perspective and cultural significance of American and international folk, square, and social dance, and their steps, patterns, and formations. Integrates an understanding of personal health and skill-related fitness components (e.g., flexibility, strength, coordination, balance....) And the knowledge, skills, and processes needed to teach rhythmic forms and dance. Attention given to the selection, development, and utilization of appropriate instructional resources, and technology.
3.00 Credits
Course designed to provide the student with an understanding of the anatomical and biomechanical bases of human motion, with applications for motor skill acquisition, and developmental and rehabilitative exercise. This course also emphasizes the application of mechanical physics to body movement and sports medicine. Prerequisites: GEBI 116 Biological Science; BIOL 315 Human Anatomy; BIOL 316 Human Physiology; or by permission of instructor
3.00 Credits
The focus of this course is on the development of evaluation and measurement skills used by teachers and administrators of physical education throughout the nation. Major emphasis is placed on interpreting descriptive statistics and developing test construction techniques. Students are given many opportunities to administer physical performance tests and to acquire knowledge about different grading techniques.
2.00 Credits
Provides knowledge, skills, and processes needed to teach elementary physical education. Includes the election, development, and utilization of appropriate instructional methods, resources, and technology. Emphasis is place on: the importance of the development and maintenance of physically active lifestyles and good health, skills theme approaches and developmental physical education; activities designed to help students understand, develop and value personal fitness; cooperative activities; and activities for special and diverse populations including gifted and talented. A review of the scientific principles of movement (personal and skill-related fitness components) is included. Other topics also include rhythmics and dance, childhood growth and motor development, accreditation, legal liability concerns, and an overview of the cultural significance of dance, leisure and sportsmanship. Field experiences in this course will provide opportunities for pre-candidates to observe, plan, and participate in different roles as a teacher in a school setting prior to doing student teaching. Pre-candidates will observe experienced teachers in a clinical setting to properly orientate them to the teaching profession.
3.00 Credits
Methods and materials of teaching physical education in secondary schools. Emphasis is on program content, and the selection, organization, and guidance of learning experiences appropriate for desired out-comes, and the integration of technology. Content also includes a review of personal health-related (flexibility, strength, aerobic, endurance, body composition) and skill-related (coordination, agility, power, balance, speed) fitness components, an understanding of the knowledge, skills, and processes needed to teach cooperative activities, rhythmics and dance, team and individual activities, the relationship between a physically active lifestyle and health, the value of lifelong fitness programs, activities for the mentally and physically challenged, activities for the talented and gifted and the cultural significance of dance, leisure, competition, and sportsmanship. Field experiences in this course will provide opportunities for pre-candidates to observe, plan, and participate in different roles as a teacher in a school setting prior to doing student teaching. Pre-candidates will observe experienced teachers in a clinical setting to properly orient them to the teaching profession. PHED 350 SPORT FACILITY AND EVENT MANAGEMENT - 3 semester hours This course will provide students with effective management skills for the successful operating of sports facilities in regards to operations, security, and event planning. Prerequisite: Junior Standing
3.00 Credits
Practical work experiences obtained in management-oriented positions of business firms under supervised conditions. The purpose is for the internees to improve their quantitative and qualitative experiences as a marketing manager in a real business world.
4.00 Credits
This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of disabling conditions, definitions, and implications as they relate to special education, adapted physical education, injury prevention and rehabilitation, the regular physical education program, integration, and future trends. Emphasis is placed on instructional methods and materials as well as teaching laboratory practical experiences, teaching methods appropriate for exceptional students, including gifted and talented, and those with disabling conditions, and the integration of technology. Field experiences in this course will provide opportunities for pre-candidates to observe, plan, and participate in different roles as a teacher in a school setting prior to doing student teaching. Pre-candidates will observe experienced teachers in a clinical setting to properly orient them to the teaching profession. PHED 401 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF HEALTH PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETIC PROGRAMS - 3 semester hours F, Sp, Su Provides a basic understanding of the many aspects of administering health, physical education, and athletic programs on the pre K-12 levels, in colleges and universities, as well as in recreational and private industry sectors. Content includes: the need for quality instruction, risk management, student safety and other legal issues, the role of administration in comprehensive school health programs and personnel and programmatic planning, management, and assessment. Contemporary and computer-driven team building exercises, research presentations, and community service projects, afford students opportunities to integrate theoretical concepts into practical application, and strengthen their verbal, written, and technological levels of proficiency. Prerequisite: Completion of Junior Year or Permission of Instructor
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to provide supervision on the content area for pre-service secondary physics candidates. Prerequisite: Departmental Approval Corequisites: EDUC 402 Student Teaching Seminar; EDUC 402 Student Teaching
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to provide the student with a better understanding of medical and physiological aspects of motor activity, relationships between motor activity and health, knowledge of the basic fundamentals necessary to understand and apply exercise physiology, and guidelines for devising and managing programs for both active and sedentary individuals. Prerequisites: GEBI116 Biological Science; BIOL 315 Human Anatomy; BIOL 316 Human Physiology or permission of instructor
3.00 Credits
Discusses the phenomenon of sports as it represents one of the most pervasive social institutions today. The major theme of this course is to demonstrate how sports reflect and enforce the beliefs, values, and ideologies of society. Emphasis is place on changing attitudes and current trends in the world of sports. The course will be taught from a sociological and philosophical perspective. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor
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