Course Criteria
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1.00 Credits
Acquaints students with basic knowledge, understanding, and value of physical activity as related to optimal healthful living. Emphasis is placed on improving students' performance of basic gross motor skills, and the utilization of physical fitness assessment data to plan and implement a lifelong personal fitness program. Content includes the incorporation of scientific principles of movement as they apply to personal health-related fitness (flexibility, strength, aerobic, endurance, body composition) and personal skill-related fitness (coordination, agility, power, balance, and speed).
1.00 Credits
A course is designed to equip students with basic water skills and knowledge needed to make them reasonably safe while in, on, or about the water. Attention given to safety and emergency care (First Aid, CPR, Universal Precaution).
1.00 Credits
Upon completion of this course, students should comprehend the elements of good swimming. Instruction in intermediate swimming is given to students who have taken and passed the beginner's swimming course, or those who have never had swimming instruction but can pass the beginner's swimming test.
2.00 Credits
Course designed to introduce the student to basic karate, one of the more popular and potent phases of the Oriental Martial Arts, and to broaden his or her horizons and views on oriental culture.
1.00 Credits
Development of physical skills and an understanding of the knowledge, skills, and processes needed to teach soccer, volleyball, basketball, and softball on the pre K-1 2 levels. Content includes an analysis of skills, progressions, drill, error analysis, and corrections, and the development of rudimentary unit and lesson plans. The cultural significance of team sports, competition, and sportsmanship is also included.
1.00 Credits
The development of basic skills and the ability to perform a variety of team sports including basketball, softball, and flag or soccer.
1.00 Credits
Development of fundamental and advanced skills, knowledge of rules and the ability to perform a variety of individual sports, including golf, tennis, and track and field.
1.00 Credits
Provides knowledge, skills, and processes for teaching contemporary outdoor (e.g. camping, hiking, walking, and tenets of cooperative living) and leisure activities suitable for life-long participation. Attention given to the selection development, and utilization of appropriate instructional resources; the cultural significance of dance, leisure, competition, and sportsman; the relationship between a physically active lifestyle and health: the needs of special and diverse populations; safety and emergency care; and injury prevention.
1.00 Credits
Course designed to enable students to meet the requirements for the American National Red Cross Advanced Lifesaving Certificate. Prerequisites: PHED 127 Beginning Swimming; PHED 128 Intermediate Swimming
2.00 Credits
Concepts and competencies applicable for the physical educator who desires breadth and depth of preparation in athletic coaching and officiating. Designed to prepare the student to understand the role of coaching and the art of officiating in ways that complement his/her basic knowledge of each course activity and its skills.
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