Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Study of laws and regulatory issues such as National Environmental Policy Act and Clean Water and Clean Air Acts. Emphasizes critical evaluation of alternatives to unresolved issues in environmental policies. Prerequisites Course in ecology, environmental biology, or permission of instructor. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
4.00 Credits
Credits: 4 This course provides students with familiarity with the state of the art aerosol equipment and techniques used in laboratory-based research pertaining to biological warfare or terrorism threats. Emphasis will be placed on biosafety procedures, techniques, and equipment used in conducting experiments with infectious organisms in a contained environment. Prerequisites Undergraduate courses in physics, math, and microbiology, and permission of the Director of the Center for Biodefense. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 3
4.00 Credits
Credits: 4 Advanced course in applying probability and statistics to research in life sciences. Examples drawn from environmental, medical, physiological, genetic, and chemical biology. Prerequisites Course in biostatistics, or permission of instructor. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 3
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Structure and function of biomembranes, cytoskeleton, and transport systems. Also discusses protein trafficking, cell cycle, and cell adhesion molecules. Prerequisites BIOL 483, CHEM 313, 314; or permission of instructor. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
1.00 - 2.00 Credits
Credits: 1-2 Required of all new MS students in biology. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 1-2 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Credits: 1-4 Notes May be repeated for credit. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 1-3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0-6
1.00 Credits
Credits: 1 Topics vary. Notes May be repeated for credit. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 1 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
1.00 - 8.00 Credits
Credits: 1-8 Study of topic not otherwise available in graduate program. May involve any combination of reading assignments, tutorials, lectures, papers, presentations, or laboratory or field study, determined in consultation with instructor. Prerequisites Permission of instructor, chair, and graduate committee. Notes May not be used to fulfill explicit undergraduate prerequisites for graduate work. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 0 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
1.00 Credits
Credits: 1 Review and discussion of recent literature in specialized area. Includes student presentations. Notes May be repeated for credit. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 1 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Comprehensive study of functioning of microbial cells, with emphasis on pathogens. Stresses growth, transport, cell-to-cell signaling, biofilm formation, antibiotic resistance, and secondary metabolites. Prerequisites Undergraduate lecture/lab course in microbiology, and course in biochemistry. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
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