Course Criteria

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  • 1.00 - 12.00 Credits

    Credits: 1-12 Formal record of commitment to doctoral dissertation research under direction of faculty member in statistics. Prerequisites Admission to candidacy. Notes May be repeated as needed; no more than 24 credits of STAT 998 and 999 may be applied to doctoral degree requirements. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 0 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
  • 3.00 Credits

    Credits: 3 Principles of user interface design. Concepts for objectively and quantitatively assessing the usability of software user interfaces. Outcomes include knowledge of quantitative engineering principles for designing usable software interfaces and an understanding that usability is more important than efficiency for almost all modern software projects, and often the primary factor that leads to product success. Major topics include cognitive models for human perceptions and needs, which are used as a basis for analytical and critical thinking about user interfaces; specific engineering principles for designing usable menus, forms, command languages, web sites, graphical user interfaces and web-based user interfaces. Assessments will include written analytical evaluations of existing user interfaces, exams, and HTML-based design projects. Prerequisites ENGL 101 Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
  • 0.00 Credits

    Credits: 0 Preparation for Internship Educational Experience. Intended for, but not limited to, students planning internships in the Applied Computer Science Software Engineering Program. Internship employment opportunities. Basic interview skills. Techniques for applying academic knowledge to practical software development. Techniques for extracting knowledge from practical experience. Peer presentation from students who have completed internships. Prerequisites Limited to ACS or CS majors with junior standing or permission of instructor. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 0 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
  • 3.00 Credits

    Credits: 3 Cross-Listed with CS 332 In-depth study of software design and implementation using a modern, object-oriented language with support for graphical user interfaces and complex data structures. Topics covered are specifications, design patterns, and abstraction techniques, including typing, access control, inheritance, and polymorphism. Students will learn the proper engineering use of techniques such as information hiding, classes, objects, inheritance, exception handling, event-based systems, and concurrency. Prerequisites Grade of C or better in CS 211 Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
  • 1.00 Credits

    Credits: 1 Reflection on Internship Educational Experience. Intended for, but not limited to, students completing internships in the Applied Computer Science Software Engineering Program. Analysis of techniques for applying academic knowledge to practical software development. Analysis of techniques for extracting knowledge from practical experience. Studentpresentations summarizing internships relating them to academic program goals. Prerequisites SWE 301 and completion of internship Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 1 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
  • 3.00 Credits

    Credits: 3 Cross-Listed with CS 421 An introduction to concepts, methods, and tools for the creation of large-scale software systems. Methods, tools, notations, and validation techniques to analyze, specify, prototype, and maintain software requirements. Introduction to object-oriented requirements modeling, including use case modeling, static modeling, and dynamic modeling using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation. Concepts and methods for the design of large-scale software systems. Fundamental design concepts and design modeling using UML notation. Students participate in a group project on software requirements, specification, and object-oriented software design. Prerequisites Grade C or better in CS 211. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
  • 3.00 Credits

    Credits: 3 Teaches how to develop software for web applications. Covers client-server computing, theories of usable graphical user interfaces, and models for web-based information retrieval and processing. Goals are to understand how to design usable software interfaces and implement them on web, learn how to build software that accepts information from users across web and returns data to user, and understand how to interact with database engines to store and retrieve information. Specific topics are HTML, CGI programming, Java, Java applets, Javascripts, and Java servlets. Prerequisites MATH 125 and CS 211. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
  • 3.00 Credits

    Credits: 3 Concepts and techniques for testing and modifying software in evolving environments. Topics include software testing at the unit, module, subsystem, and system levels; developer testing; automatic and manual techniques for generating test data; testing concurrent and distributed software; designing and implementing software to increase maintainability and reuse; evaluating software for change; and validating software changes. Prerequisites CS 211 and MATH 125 Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
  • 3.00 Credits

    Credits: 3 Teaches how to design, understand, and evaluate software systems at an architectural level of abstraction. By end of course, students will be able to recognize major architectural styles in existing software systems, describe a system's architecture accurately, generate architectural alternatives to address a problem and choose from among them, design a medium-size software system that satisfies a specification of requirements, use existing tools to expedite software design, and evaluate the suitability of a given architecture in meeting a set of system requirements. Prerequisites SWE 421 Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
  • 3.00 Credits

    Credits: 3 Introduces students to programming in the Java language. Topics include problem-solving methods and algorithm development, program structures, abstract data types, simple data and file structures and program development in a modular, object-oriented manner. Introductory use of OO language features, including data hiding, inheritance, polymorphism, and exception handling. Goals include design and development of Java classes and class type hierarchies. An introduction to Java servlets and applets is included. Emphasis on program development is reinforced through several programming projects. Prerequisites Undergraduate courses or equivalent knowledge in programming in a high-level language. Notes Credit cannot be applied to a graduate degree in the Volgenau School or the BS degree in computer science. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
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