Course Criteria
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6.00 Credits
Credits: 6 Students cannot receive credit for both SPAN 309 and SPAN 305 or 306. Intensive content-based approach to the study of Spanish, designed to promote oral and written abilities,as well as critical understanding of Latin American, Latino, and/or Spanish histories and cultures. Includes vocabulary-building activities, grammar review and practice, assigned readings in a variety of genres, critical cultural analysis, in-class discussions, written essays, and the viewing of films. Prerequisites SPAN 250 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Notes Conducted in Spanish. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 6 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SPAN 315 - Spanish for Heritage Speakers [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Designed for students who have some communicative ability in Spanish, normally acquired in the home, who want to improve their reading and writing abilities while developing a critical understanding of Latin American, Latino, and/or Spanish histories and cultures. Course components include orthography and vocabulary activities, grammar review and practice, assigned readings in a variety of genres, critical cultural analysis, in-class discussions, written essays, and the viewing of films. Prerequisites Appropriate placement score or permission of instructor. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SPAN 321 - Introduction to Spanish Culture [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 History, culture, economic and social development, and scientific and artistic achievements that have contributed to the formation of modern Spain. Prerequisites ENGL 101 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Notes Designed for nonmajors. Course work in English. Credit may be earned in either SPAN 321 or 461, but not in both. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SPAN 322 - Introduction to Latin American Culture [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 History, culture, economic and social development, and scientific and artistic achievements that have contributed to the formation of modern Latin America. Prerequisites ENGL 101 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Notes Designed for nonmajors. Course work in English. Credit may be earned in either SPAN 322 or 466, but not in both. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SPAN 323 - Field Study in Hispanic Culture [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Credits: 1-3 Study tour to area of Spanish-speaking world. Students must attend a series of lectures before the tour, and must consult with the designated faculty member on a research project on a topic in Hispanic culture resulting in paper or report. Prerequisites 60 credits or permission of instructor. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 6 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SPAN 324 - Study Abroad in Spanish [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Study at an academic institution in a Spanish-speaking country including classroom studies with professors from the host country and field experiences. Prerequisites SPAN 250 or equivalent; appropriate placement score; or permission of instructor. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SPAN 325 - Major Hispanic Writers [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Study of the works of major Hispanic writers in translation. Writers studied vary. Prerequisites ENGL 101 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. Notes Designed for nonmajors. Course work in English. May be taken toward fulfillment of the general requirement in literature for baccalaureate degrees. May be repeated for credit with permission of department. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SPAN 326 - Treasures of Spanish American Literature [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Introduction to the major themes, trends, and cultural context of Latin American literature. Writers studied vary. Prerequisites Advanced oral and written proficiency in Spanish, to be determined by the instructor. Notes Designed for nonmajors. May be repeated for credit with permission of the department. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SPAN 329 - Special Topics in Spanish and Latin American Literature [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Course work in English. May be taken toward fulfillment of the humanities requirement in literature for baccalaureate degrees. Prerequisites ENGL 101, or permission of instructor. Notes Designed for nonmajors. May be repeated once for credit. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SPAN 335 - Topics for Proficiency: The Americas [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Integrated content-based approach to conversational Spanish. Designed to promote increased confidence and fluency in both form and informal Spanish registers, as well as critical understanding of Latin American and/or Latino histories and cultures. Current events, films, literary texts, and popular culture reflecting issues of Latin Americans and/or Latinos serve as catalysts for class discussions, oral presentations, and debates. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisites SPAN 306, 309 or 315. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SPAN 336 - Topics for Proficiency: Spain [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
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