Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Credits: 4 Students continue to work in a supervised social work field practicum for 20 hours per week. At the end of this semester students will have completed 300 hours of field work to meet the total number of 600 hours required for the concentration year practicum. The field seminar accompanies the concentration year practicum. The seminar is designed to assist students in processing thier field experiences and analyzing thier successes and challenges. Students are expected to apply social work knowledge, values, and skills from across the curriculum. Prerequisites SOCW 623, 624, 651, 652, 657, 658, 670, 671, 672, 673, 684, 685, 688, and 694 Notes Continuation of SOCW 693 from the Fall semester. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 0 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 When Offered S SOCW 697 - Thesis Project Seminar [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Provides structured opportunity for students to work with each other and faculty in developing their final MSW thesis projects. Integrates and applies learning from all previous course work, emphasizing knowledge, skills, and values related to research, clinical practice, policy, community practice, and organizational leadership. Social work ethics, empowerment of populations at risk, and systems transformation will be explored. In addition to group meetings, students will meet individually with their faculty mentors. Prerequisites Social Change: 684, 685, 688 Clinical Practice: 630-688 Corequisite Social Change: 676, 687 Clinical Practice: 640, 645 Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SOCW 699 - Independent Study in Social Work [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Credits: 1-3 Investigates research problem in field of social work. Prerequisites Graduate standing. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 0 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SOM 100 - Business in American Society [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Provides students with a foundation for understanding the role of business in society by exploring the nature and history of business enterprise, the social context of business, and the interaction of individuals with business by selecting current events in business and analyzing the content as well as the impact of the reported activities. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SOM 301 - Business Models: A Learning by Writing Introduction [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites or corequisite: C or better in OM 210, and ACCT 203. Introduces fundamentals of business models, and writing as learning tool. Interrelationships among accounting, fi nance, information systems, marketing, and operations are subject of several “learning by writing”deliverables. Fulfi lls writing intensive requirement for SOM majors. Taught in lecture/ recitation format; requires attendance at weekly lecture and weekly recitation.
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Opportunity to gain practical, professional experience in conjunction with academic development. Internship is an important part of academic and career preparation. May be used as elective credit, but may not be repeated. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SOM 498 - Capstone Course: Advanced Business Models [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Advanced integrated exploration of business models and industry dynamics that uses case analyses to assess competition, organizational strategy, and firm performance. Students examine strategic change in organizations from multiple perspectives, integrating knowledge from core course work into several papers and major presentation. Students receive coaching from area business leaders as they complete their presentations. Prerequisites ACCT 301, BULE 302, OM 301, FNAN 301, MGMT 301, MIS 301, and MKTG 301; and senior standing. Notes Fulfills synthesis requirement for SOM majors. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0 SPAN 101 - Elementary Spanish I [Add to Portfolio] [Print Course]
3.00 Credits
For students with no knowledge of Spanish. Introduction to Spanish, including elements of grammar, vocabulary, oral skills, listening comprehension, and reading. Lab work required.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: SPAN 101, appropriate placement score, or permission of department. Continuation of SPAN 101. Lab work required.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: appropriate placement score, or permission of department. Review of elements of Spanish for students who have studied Spanish previously. May not be taken for credit in combination with SPAN 102 or 109. Lab work required.
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