Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Social life, art, economics, education, view of life, and personal aspirations of Russian citizen today. Prerequisites 60 credits, or permission of instructor. Notes For non-Western credit. Course work in English. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Comprehensive study of the more difficult characteristics of contemporary standard Russian in areas of grammar, style, and vocabulary usage. Emphasizes developing fluency in oral and written expression. Prerequisites RUSS 202, 209, or equivalent. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Comprehensive study of the more difficult characteristics of contemporary standard Russian in areas of grammar, style, and vocabulary usage. Emphasizes developing fluency in oral and written expression. Prerequisites RUSS 202, 250, or equivalent; appropriate placement score; or permission of instructor. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Reading, translation, and discussion of Russian materials in fields of history, politics, geography, and sociology. Prerequisites 15 credits of Russian or equivalent. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Development of Russian theater including directing techniques in Moscow Art Theater. Reading and discussion of major Russian plays of 19th and 20th centuries. Prerequisites 60 credits, or permission of instructor. Notes Course work in English; knowledge of Russian not required. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Historical development of Russian poetry and representative works of major poets. Prerequisites 15 credits of Russian or equivalent. Notes Reading in Russian; course work in English and Russian. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Russian, Soviet, and post-Soviet films selected by type, period, or director with emphasis varying from year to year. Required viewings, student discussion, and written critiques. Prerequisites 60 credits, or permission of instructor. Notes May be repeated once with permission of department or film studies advisor. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Advanced work in major grammatical and lexical topics of Russian. Application of theoretical principles in guided written and oral exercises. Prerequisites RUSS 380, 381, or equivalent; or permission of instructor. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
3.00 Credits
Credits: 3 Advanced work in major grammatical and lexical topics of Russian. Application of theoretical principles in guided written and oral exercises. Prerequisites RUSS 380, 381, or equivalent; or permission of instructor. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 3 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Credits: 1-3 Research and analysis of selected problem in language, literature, or culture in consultation with member of Russian studies faculty. Prerequisites Russian studies major with 90 credits and permission of instructor. Hours of Lecture or Seminar per week 0 Hours of Lab or Studio per week 0
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