Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This subject-related work experience or other activity occupies the principal time of the student for one semester. Offered only upon special application from the student and a sponsoring faculty member. Approval must be obtained in advance from the social science faculty and requires a specific outline of work to be done; the nature and extent of its academic relevance; student academic and other preparations qualifying the individual for the proposed activity; and methods to be used in evaluating the quality of the work. Students enrolling must make arrangements for regular contact with the supervising faculty member. Junior or senior standing and permission of the faculty advisor required. 6-12 semester hours
3.00 Credits
Individual investigation of a topic in sociology. Readings, research, consultation, and discussion are required. Credit, scope, topic, and prerequisites to be arranged individually. May be taken more than one semester. 3 semester hours
3.00 Credits
This course introduces students to basic grammar and vocabulary through a variety of speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities. Recommended for students with little or no previous Spanish instruction. 3 semester hours each
1.00 Credits
These practice sessions emphasize the development of oral-aural competence. Through role-playing in a wide spectrum of reallife situations, students master proficiencies which enable them to react and respond naturally in current and accurate idiomatic Spanish. These sessions integrate and expand upon materials concurrently studied in the elementary language courses. 1 semester hour each
3.00 Credits
Topics offered in response to student and faculty interest. 3 semester hours each
3.00 Credits
This course introduces students to more advanced grammar and vocabulary through a variety of speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities. Recommended for students with two or more years of high school Spanish. 3 semester hours each
3.00 Credits
This course involves intensive practice in oral and written expression through readings, films, discussion topics, and writing assignments that reflect the diversity of cultures in presentday Spain and Latin America. Students continue to refine their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Advanced grammar and vocabulary topics are reviewed. Prerequisites: SPAN 202 or consent of the instructor. 3 semester hours each
3.00 Credits
An examination of Spanish civilization from its pre-historic roots to its present-day status as a modern European country composed of diverse cultural, linguistic, and ethnic communities. The course surveys the political, social, and historical events that have shaped Spanish culture, and provides opportunities to learn about the literature, art, music, and film of Spain. Students continue to refine their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Prerequisites: SPAN 202 or consent of the instructor. 3 semester hours
3.00 Credits
A survey of the social, historical, and political currents in Latin America from pre-Columbian times to the present. The course deals with the quest for identity and the sense of orfandad and other legacies of Colonialism and Independence. Prerequisite: SPAN 202 or its equivalent. 3 semester hours
3.00 Credits
This course introduces students to the study of Hispanic literature. In addition to reading representative works in the Spanish language, students study literary concepts such as theme, discourse, figurative language, dialogue, and text. Students read works from the four major categories of literary production- narrative, poetry, drama, and essay-with special attention given to the ways in which categories of genre are both constructed and challenged. This course is strongly recommended for students majoring or minoring in Spanish. All coursework and class discussions are done in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 202 or by permission of the instructor. SPAN 304 or 305 recommended but not required. 3 semester hours
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