Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This workshop provides teachers with a vision of performance-based assessment, including use of rubrics, portfolios, and other contemporary assessment tools. Criteria for selection of assessment practices and standards for authentic performances will be studied. Performance-based educational principles will be used to design authentic assessment activities, and participants will work collaboratively to develop activities for use in the classroom. Recommended for K-12 educators.
3.00 Credits
This workshop is designed to develop coaching techniques, provide counseling information, and discuss administrative responsibilities and organizational skills for baseball coaches and fast pitch softball coaches at the junior and senior high school levels. Attention will be given to indoor and outdoor practice techniques with a special emphasis on repetitive drills. An in-depth presentation will be given on the counseling of athletes who will need financial assistance upon entering college. Emphasis will be placed upon the administrative duties required of junior and senior high school coaches. Recommended for educators in the health and physical education fields, and educators coaching baseball and softball student-athletes.
3.00 Credits
Creative ideas and activities, such as art and drama, and modern techniques, such as airbrushing, will be used to develop projects to enhance the classroom atmosphere. Integration among the areas of mathematics, social studies, science, and language arts is emphasized. This is an active, project-oriented workshop. Recommended for K-12 educators.
3.00 Credits
This course is designed to explore the latest principles and theories for reducing the risk of STDs, HIV and AIDS among todays students. AIDS is now the leading cause of death among Americans aged 25 to 44, surpassing accidental deaths, heart disease and all cancers. Twenty-five percent of new HIV infections are estimated to occur in people between 13-20 years of age. Participants attending this course will receive practical prevention strategies and techniques that take into account Culture beliefs, the effects of media and advertising, and social stigmas. Participants who complete the course will also receive certification in Blood Borne Pathogen Prevention to help minimize their risk of contracting TB, Hepatitis A, B and C, as well as HIV/AIDS. Recommended for both middle school and high school health teachers as well as certified athletic trainers, school nurses, and guidance counselors.
3.00 Credits
This content-oriented workshop has two purposes--first, to provide secondary teachers with an intensive review of traditional English grammar, including usage, mechanics, parts of speech, phrase and clause structure, and diagramming; second, to develop in secondary teachers an attitude toward the teaching of traditional English grammar shaped by the insights of contemporary linguistic theory, including the relation of good grammar to dialect, style, linguistic change, reading instruction, and writing instruction. Recommended for middle and high school language arts or English educators.
3.00 Credits
This workshop will offer students an opportunity to learn more about the field of athletic training. Areas that will be covered are prevention and management of athletic injuries, return to competition, taping and wrapping laboratory, and administration of a sports medicine program. Relevant topics such as substance abuse and nutrition will also be examined. Recommended for those at the elementary or secondary level who work with athletes in the prevention, recognition and management of injuries.
3.00 Credits
Experiencing Environmental Education is a workshop designed to expand a teacher's background in environmental education through an interdisciplinary approach emphasizing awareness, knowledge and skills, and movement toward informed decision making as inhabitants of finite a planet. Depending upon the workshop site, a minimum of two days are spent in an environmental facility within driving distance of the original location. Training is provided in such activity-based programs as Project Wild, Project Learning Tree, and REEP (Regional Environmental Education Program), an excellent K-9 program that may be used as a supplementary program or as an Environmental Education curriculum sequence. Plenty of hands-on'' and free material come with the course. Recommended for K-9 science educators.
3.00 Credits
This workshop will explore various aspects regarding the integration of technology into the K-12 curriculum. Extensive use of computer technology in the classroom is the central focus of this workshop. Specific applications include use of the Internet, presentation software, and productivity software as instructional tools that are examined and utilized in the development of educational activities directly related to the learners current professional assignment. Recommended for K-12 educators.
3.00 Credits
This workshop is designed for teachers seeking to expand their experiences with environmental education. The course emphasizes the human impact upon the environment. The workshop is a full week of hands on activities with four of the five days spent at environmental sites. Based upon availability, a Chesapeake Bay Foundation Trip is scheduled. In addition, we have scheduled trips to landfills, incinerators, water companies, wastewater treatment facilities, recycling centers, fish hatcheries, and other available local facilities. Some of the trips may require hiking shoes or deck shoes. Actual site visitations will be experienced by teachers in an effort to transfer their experiences to students, be able to replicate the experiences with their students, and to develop awareness about the effects of humans on the environment. The workshop will also connect the experiences to the PA Standards for Environment and Ecology. Recommended for K-12 science educators.
3.00 Credits
This is an online workshop designed to provide educators as well as other individuals with a wide range of tools found on the World Wide Web to evaluate and promote healthy lifestyles. Workshop participants will learn how to use online resources necessary for researching, teaching, and assessing healthy lifestyles. The class sessions, or modules, will be conducted using courseware. The format of class modules will include: a mix of online assessments for physical, emotional, intellectual and environmental health; development of a healthy lifestyle profile; examination and evaluation of online resources; and the creation of teaching and/or research projects. Recommended for all educators at all grade levels, especially physical educators and coaches, school nurses, and school counselors.
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