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3.00 Credits
Development of essential skills in algebra and trigonometry. Topics include the coordinate system, functions and their graphs, solutions of equations and inequalities, introduction to transcendental functions, trigonometric functions and their graphs, trigonometric identities, and the historical and cultural significance of mathematics. .
3.00 Credits
Topics include statistical measures and distributions, decision making under uncertainty, application of probability to statistical inference, linear correlation, introduction to nonparametric statistical methods, and application to problems drawn from the natural and social sciences. Three hours of class per week. Three hours of class per week.
4.00 Credits
This is the first course in the calculus sequence. Topics include differential and integral calculus for algebraic and trigonometirc functions with applications. Four hours of class per week.
4.00 Credits
This is the second course in the calculus sequence. Topics include differential and integral calculus for the transcendental functions, advanced methods of integration, and infinite sequences and series. Prerequisite(s): MTH 151
4.00 Credits
This course introduces students to the process of reading, understanding and writing rigorous mathematical arguments. Additionally, students will become familiar with computer software used for analyzing math problems and typesetting mathematical documents. This course is a pre-requisite for many upper-level math courses and is intended to help students transition from problem-solving oriented classes such as Calculus into courses focused on understanding and writing proofs. Topics include: basic logic, introductory set theory, functions and relations, and quantifiers. Prerequisite(s): MTH 151 and MTH 152, or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Topics include finite dimensional vector spaces, geometry of R, linear functions, systems of linear equations, and theory of matrices and determinants. Three hours of class per week. Prerequisite(s): MTH 152
3.00 Credits
An introduction to multivariate calculus using vector spaces, partial differentiation and multiple integration, calculus of vector functions, applications to extremum problems, and differential equations. Three hours of class per week. Prerequisite(s): MTH 152
3.00 Credits
Introduction to differential equations. Topics include first-order and linear equations, systems of equations, series solutions, and Laplace transform methods with computer-aided study of numerical solutions, and introduction to partial differential equations, and Fourier series. Three hours of class per week.
Prerequisite(s): MTH 222
3.00 Credits
This course is an introduction to the fundamental logic and mathematical concepts of discrete quantities, as employed in digital computers. Emphasis will be on the careful and precise expression of ideas. Topics include sets and logic, relations and functions, proof techniques, algorithms, combinatories, discrete probability, graphs, and trees. Three hours of class per week.
3.00 Credits
A survey of the history of our number system and theory of numbers. Topics covered include the development of number systems and mathematics from before the sixth century to the present, divisibility, factorization, arithmetic functions, quadratic reciprocity, primitive roots, and diophantine equations. Three hours of class per week. Prerequisite(s): MTH 105 and 106, or MTH 108, or equivalent.
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