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  • 3.00 Credits

    This course covers the identification, culture, use, care, and management of ornamental, woody, and herbaceous plants that can be used in designed landscapes. Students learn how to identify a large palette of plants while considering the aesthetics of form, color, texture, and seasonal changes in each plant. The course also covers the general issues of plant maintenance, use of fertilization, and management systems to create environmentally healthy horticultural practices. Maintenance topics include trimming, pruning, and transplanting. Prerequisite(s): LNS 453 or permission of the instructor. Prerequisite:    LNS453
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course introduces students to the common biotic and abiotic problems caused by diseases and pests in ornamental plants, as well as, basic concepts of the current techniques and practices on managing these problems. Students cover the general principles of plant problem diagnosis and identification of common disease and insect problems. Disease and pest management topics include the concepts of integrated pest management, vertebrate pest management, and pesticide use and safety. Prerequisite(s): LNS 453 or permission of the instructor. Prerequisite:    LNS453
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course provides introduction to techniques and concepts governing the care and maintenance of a modern greenhouse, along with the cultivation of greenhouse-grown plants. Topics include the environmental factors that influence plant growth. Students gain practical experience with greenhouse operations and with the cultural and environmental requirements for growing various types of plants. Prerequisite(s): BIO 224 or permission of the instructor Prerequisite:    BIO224
  • 3.00 Credits

    In this studio, students learn to analyze, synthesize, and assimilate contextual and site-specific diagramming into the development and presentation of creative and sustainable design solutions for specific landscape projects. Design problem definition, program development, spatial appreciation of scale, site analysis, and inventory will be developed in this studio. Cross-listed as LAR 542. Prerequisite(s): LNS 511
  • 3.00 Credits

    This studio develops graphic literacy as a language and philosophy for observation, analysis, expression, and presentation of landscape design. Students are introduced to a number of techniques and methods of drawing used by landscape designers, including artistic, freehand drawing, and mechanical drafting through exercises that culminate in a final portfolio-quality product. In addition, an understanding is developed of architectural and engineering scales, plans, elevations and sections. Cross-listed as LAR 510.
  • 4.00 Credits

    This course develops graphic literacy as a language and philosophy for observation, analysis, expression, and presentation of landscape architectural designs. Students are introduced to a number of techniques, both hand and digital, used by landscape architects for completing plan, section, and perspective drawings. Cross listed as LAR509
  • 3.00 Credits

    Students learn the basic computer drafting and drawing skills associated with AutoCAD software. Projects include both creating new work from scratch and existing files. An understanding of drawing layers, detailing, layout, and printing will be presented. Cross-listed as LAR 513 and IAR 515. Prerequisite(s): LNS 511, 512, and 515. Prerequisite:    LNS512 AND LNS515
  • 3.00 Credits

    This core course instroduces the students to historically significant landscapes of key world cultures from ancient civilizations to today. The class will explore the notin that landscape designers have long integrated sustainable design principles into their practices, perhaps more more consciously than other design professionals due to their work with nature's "raw materials". Cross listed as LAR522
  • 3.00 Credits

    Concepts of ecological design and planning at a variety of scales, from the regional to the urban and residential, are introduced along with the ecological systems appraoch to design. Through critical reflection, students are encouraged to go beyond mechanical and prescriptive responses to the site to arrive at solutions that harmonize aesthetic form and ecological functioning. Prerequisite(s): LNS 511 and 515 or permission of the instructor. Prerequisite:    LNS515
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course covers the identification, culture, use, care, and management of ornamental woody and herbaceous plants that can be used in designed landscapes. The course also covers the general issues of plant maintenance, use of fertilizer, and management systems that create an environmentally healthy horticultural practice. Maintenance topics include pruning, trimming, and transplantation.
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