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3.00 Credits
Special topics courses for International studies are given on a year-by-year basis, depending on student needs and staffing availability. They are taught in a seminar format and are designed to facilitate student research on the specific focus of the class.
4.00 Credits
This is na introduction to the Japanese language, intended for students with little or no previous instruction to Japanese. It develops the four basic language skills of listening comprehension, reading, speaking, and writing. Focus is on communicative skills and a broad introduction to the cuture and contemporary reality of Japan.
4.00 Credits
This is a continuation of the intro to the Japanese language (JPN101), intended for students with some previous instruction in Japanese. It continues to develop the four basic language skills of listening comprehension, reading, speaking, and writing. focus is on communicative skills and a broad introduction to culture and contemporary reality of Japan.
4.00 Credits
This is a continuation of the first year intorduction to the Japanese language (JPN101/102), intended for students with at least one year of instruction in Japanese. It continues to develop the four basic language skills of listening comprehension, reading, speaking, and writing. Focus is on communicative skills and a broad introduction to the culture and contemporary reality of Japan. Prerequisite(s): JPN 102
4.00 Credits
This is a continuation of the intermediate Japanese I class, and is intended for students with at least intermediate knowledge of Japanese. It continues to develop the four basic language skills of listening comprehension, reading, speaking, and writing. Focus is on communicative skills and a broad introduction to the culture and contemporary reality of Japan. Prerequisite(s): JPN 102
3.00 Credits
This course introduces students to using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a tool to inventory, analyze, and present various spatial data. Cross-listed as LNS 310.
3.00 Credits
This course develops graphic literacy as a language and philosophy for observation, analysis, expression, and presentation of landscape architectural designs. Students are introduced to a number of techniques used by landscape architects for completing plan, section, and perspective drawings Both mechanical drafting and freehand sketching methods are covered to teach drawing, color rendering. lettering, and presentation methods.
4.00 Credits
This course develops graphic literacy as a language and philosophy for observation, analysis, expression, and presentation of landscape architectural designs. Students are introduced to a number of techniques used by landscape architects for completing plan, Section, and perspective drawings. Both mechanical drafting and freehand sketch methods are covered to teach freehand drawing, color rendering, lettering, and presentation methods. Cross listed as LNS516
3.00 Credits
This studio develops graphic literacy as a language and philosophy for observation, analysis, expression, and presentation of landscape design. Students are introduced to a number of techniques and methods of drawing used by landscape architects, including freehand drawing, use of colored pencils, markers, and mechanical drafting through various exercises. An understanding is developed of architectural and engineering scales, plans, elevations and sections. Additional work is spent on values, colors, palettes, and shadowing techniques that culminate in a final studio project. Cross-listed as LNS 515.
3.00 Credits
Class involves modeling of landscapes, topography, terrain and other pertinent features specific to three-dimensional representations of geography. A variety of materials will be utilized to create a scaled model of landscapes and outdoor features. Visual presentations and actual examples will reinforce concepts in class. Some power tool usage. Graded on concept, execution, participation and attendance.
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