Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, regression analysis, correlation, t-distribution, time series analysis, analysis of variance, F-distribution. (See STA 2462.)
3.00 Credits
Classification of queues; systems without memory; systems with losses; queues as birth-and-death processes; embedded Markov chains; networks; diffusion and Monte Carlo approximations.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: MAT 2461, MAT 2462.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Classification of differential equations; existence and uniqueness of solutions; initial-value problems, boundary value problems; power series methods, integral transforms; numerical algorithms and error estimation; topological methods.
3.00 Credits
No course description available.
3.00 Credits
Solution of parabolic, hyperbolic, and elliptic equations; initial and boundary value problems arising in physical situations such as heat conduction, wave propagation and gravitational potential; method of characteristics, separation of variables, Laplace and Fourier transforms.
3.00 Credits
Computer-assisted analysis of differential and integral equations; applications of polynomial interpolation and numerical linear algebra to differential equations; error estimation, rates of convergence, extrapolation, multistep and implicit methods, stability, stiffness, ill-posed problems, chaos, and difference methods. Special attention is given to the analysis of boundary value problems by finite-element methods.
3.00 Credits
Embedded hypersurfaces; metrics, connections, and curvature; hyperbolic and spherical geometries; projective geometries; algebraic curves; applications to physics.
3.00 Credits
Discrete models for options, pricing derivatives, continuous stock price models, Brownian motion, the Black-Scholes,formula, the Black-Scholes differential equation, hedging options, dynamic programming, bond price models, yield curves, forwards and futures, Keynes interest rate parity formula.
3.00 Credits
The course emphasizes the modelling and analysis of real-world problems.
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