Course Criteria
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1.00 Credits
Private Pilot Flight to Solo will enable the student to meet the FAR 141 requirements necessary to perform a solo flight with the aircraft in the traffic pattern. Selected subject areas will include engine starting, normal and cross wind taxiing, radio communications, normal takeoffs, power on and power off stalls, maneuvering during slow flight, traffic patterns, go around from a rejected landing and normal landings. Prerequisite(s): Matriculated Aviation Dept. Student Corequisite: AVN 100 (0,2) 1 credits
2.00 Credits
Private Pilot Flight To Certificate will enable the student to meet the FAR 141 requirements necessary to obtain a Private Pilot certificate. Selected subject areas will include cross country flying, radio navigation, cockpit management, low level wind shear precautions, airport and runway marking and lighting, constant airspeed climbs and descents stall spin awareness and steep turns. Prerequisite(s): Matriculated Aviation Dept. Student, AVN105 (0,4) 2 credits
5.00 Credits
Introduction to Flight offers students with no prior flight time an opportunity to begin training in normal preflight, in-flight and post-flight procedures as provided by the SUNY Flight Line. The student is afforded 5 hours combined flight and simulator time and may then commence flight training for Private pilot. Prerequisite(s): Matriculated Aviation Dept. Student (0,2) 2 ncu (non-credit units)
3.00 Credits
Private Pilot Proficiency will evaluate the entering student with a Private Pilot or higher Certificate and, if necessary, enable them to gain required experience, skill and knowledge for meeting or surpassing FAA FAR141 Private Pilot Certificate Practical Test Standards. Prerequisite(s): Matriculated Aviation Dept. Student, FAA Private Pilot Certificate (0,4) 2 non-credit units.
3.00 Credits
Instrument Pilot- Ground Training will enable the student to meet the prerequisite(s)s specified in CFR 14 Part 61.65(b).Selected subject areas will include Federal Aviation Regulations that apply to flight operations under IFR, appropriate information that applies to flight operations under IFR in the "Aeronautical Information Manual," Air Traffic controlsystem and procedures for instrument flight operations, IFR navigation and approaches by use of navigation systems, Use of IFR enroute and instrument approach procedure charts, Procurement and use of aviation weather reports and the elements of forecasting weather trends based on that information and personal observation of weather conditions, Safe and efficient operation of aircraft under instrument flight rules and conditions, Recognition of critical weather situations and wind shear avoidance, Aeronautical decision making and judgment and crew resource management, including crew communication and coordination. Upon completing this course, the student will be able to take the FAA "Knowledge Examination" necessary for the Instrument Pilot Certificate. Prerequisite(s): AVN 104 or approval from the department Chair (3,0) 3 credits
2.00 Credits
Instrument Pilot Flight will enable the student to meet the requirements necessary to obtain an Instrument Rating. Selected subject areas will include airplane attitude control by instrument use only, use of full and partial panel reference, accurate use of navigation systems by maintaining positional awareness, holding patterns, instrument approaches, and IFR cross country procedures. Prerequisite(s): Matriculated Aviation Dept. Student, Private Pilot Certificate (0,4) 2 credits
3.00 Credits
Commercial Pilot Ground Training will enable the student to meet the prerequisite(s)s specified in CFR 14 Part 61.125(b). Selected subject areas will include, Accident reporting requirements of the National Transportation Safety Board, basic aerodynamics and the principles of flight, meteorology to include recognition of critical weather situations, wind shear recognition and avoidance, and the use of aeronautical weather reports and forecasts, safe and efficient operation of aircraft weight and balance computations, use of performance charts, significance and effects of exceeding aircraft performance limitations, use of aeronautical charts and a magnetic compass for pilotage and dead reckoning, use of air navigation facilities, aeronautical decision making and judgment, principles and functions of aircraft systems, maneuvers, procedures, and emergency operations appropriate to the aircraft, night high altitude operations, procedures for operating within the National Airspace System, and procedures for flight and ground training for lighter than air ratings. Upon completing this course, the student will be able to take the FAA "Knowledge Examination"necessary for the Commercial Pilot certificate. Prerequisite(s): AVN 208 or approval from the department Chair (3,0) 3 credits
3.00 Credits
Commercial Pilot Flight will enable the student to meet the requirements necessary to obtain a Commercial Pilot Certificate. Selected subject areas include accurate planning of VFR cross country flights, pilotage, dead reckoning, navigation systems, commercial maneuvers as well as provide the skill necessary to safely fly a complex airplane. Prerequisite(s): Matriculated Aviation Dept. Student, Private Pilot Certificate with Instrument Rating (0,4) 2 cedits
3.00 Credits
This course covers the theory and principles of operation of aircraft reciprocating engines and their subsystems such as carburetor, ignition, lubrication and propeller. Theory of operation of jet engines to include: classification and identification of turbojets, turbofans, turboprops, ramjets and rockets and their internal parts and subsystems. (3,0) 3 credits
3.00 Credits
This course is the introduction to flying under the Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) in the National Airspace System. The student will learn air traffic control system, airports, departure, enroute, and approach procedures, emergency flight procedures, low and high level weather conditions in IFR flight planning. Prerequisite(s): AVN 100, AVN 102, AVN 111, FAA Private Pilot Certificate (3,0) 3 credits
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