Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Ethics, or moral philosophy, endeavors to establish rational principles of right conduct that can serve as decision-making guides for individuals and groups. It also prescribes the characteristics and personality traits that enable individuals to live well in communities with others. This class attempts to achieve a systematic understanding of the nature of ethics and what it requires of us. Discussion includes several historical sources (Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Mill, Kant), ethical theories (moral relativism, egoism, utilitarianism, justice and rights, virtue ethics, and feminist transformations of moral theory), and contemporary moral problems (abortion, euthanasia, economic justice, animal rights, the death penalty and affirmative action). Prerequisite: none.
3.00 Credits
Conservation equations for inviscid flows, one-dimensional flows, normal shock waves, one-dimensional flow with friction, one-dimensional flow with heat addition, oblique shock waves, Prandtl-Meyer expansion waves. Prerequisite: ME 2313 and ME 3313.
3.00 Credits
Incompressible inviscid flow, rotational and irrotational flow, elementary flows and their superposition, airfoil and wing geometry, aerodynamic forces and moments, thin airfoil theory, camber effects, incompressible laminar and turbulent boundary layer, vortex system, incompressible flow about wings, wing/body configurations, compressible flows past airfoils and wings, high-lift devices. Prerequisite: AE 4603.
3.00 Credits
Operation, performance, and design methods for flight vehicle propulsion, air-breathing engines, ramjets, turbojets, turbofans and their components, elements of solid and liquid rocket propulsion system. Prerequisite: AE 4603.
3.00 Credits
Development of equations of motion Characteristics of aircraft propulsion systems. Level flight performance of turbojet and propeller driven aircraft. Un-accelerated climbing flight and aircraft ceiling. Takeoff and landing performance. Longitudinal and lateral static stability. Linearized equations of motion. Longitudinal and lateral modes of motion. Prerequisite: ME 3223.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to Western art in different historical periods, with a focus on pre-20th century art. Objectives: to sample important periods and themes in European art history from archaic Greece to the present; and enhance cultural, social and aesthetic understanding through intensive engagement with a variety of visual forms in different historical periods. Prerequisite: EN 1204/1234.
3.00 Credits
Western art from the late 19th century to the present. Objectives: to sample important periods and themes in modern art; and enhance cultural, social, and aesthetic understanding through intensive engagement with a variety of visual forms in different historical periods. Prerequisite: EN 1204/1234.
3.00 Credits
Study of a particular national tradition or several related national traditions in the visual arts. Objectives: to study the emergence of a national tradition within the visual arts; and enhance cultural, social and aesthetic understanding through intensive engagement with a variety of visual forms in different historical periods. Prerequisite: one 2000- level AH course.
3.00 Credits
Independent or small group work under supervision of instructor, by special arrangement. Prerequisites: Liberal Studies majors only and instructor's permission.
3.00 Credits
Social evolution from the hunting and gathering band through state society; consideration of variation and developmental trends in several institutions: kinship, economic organization, warfare, politics, religion and technology. Prerequisites: HI 2104.
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