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2.00 Credits
This course carefully analyzes the content, historical and literary context, and theology of the English text of the exilic (Ezekiel and Daniel) and post-exilic (Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi) prophets, with special emphasis on Daniel. Apocalyptic literature, individual responsibility, the Temple, the Kingdom of God, the Messiah, pride and rebellion, marriage and divorce are among the topics given special attention. Prerequisite: BTH 3000. Offered: on demand and when feasible. Sprinkle
3.00 Credits
This course provides an inductive analysis of the books Daniel and Revelation in the light of their historical settings in order to ascertain their theological and practical messages. Some attention will be given to extra-biblical apocalyptic writings in order to understand these books' eschatological worldview. Prerequisite: BTH 3000. Offered: on demand and when feasible. Sprinkle
3.00 Credits
Students examine Luke's two volumes, the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, which form the indispensable history of the early church. From the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in Jesus, to the proclamation of the Kingdom to the "ends of the earth," students explore how the church expanded across cultural and theological barriers. Prerequisite: BTH 3000. Offered: on demand and when feasible. Walston, staff
3.00 Credits
This study of some of Paul's most practical and most personal letters consists of an exegetical analysis of 1 and 2 Corinthians within the context of Paul' s theology, the social and cultural circumstances at Corinth , Paul? ? mission work at Corinth, and the life of the modern Church. Particular attention is given to Paul 's teaching concerning factionalism in the church, Christian immorality and church discipline, marriage and divorce, idolatry, financial support for Christian ministers, the Lor d's Supper, tongues-speaking and other spiritual gifts, agape love, the role of women in the church, the resurrection of the dead, and stewardship. Students will also examine Paul's struggle against the "super apostles," who preached a message somewhat similar to the "health and wealth" gospels prevalent today. Prerequisite: BTH 3000. Offered: on demand and when feasible. Sta
2.00 Credits
In this course Paul's letters to the Thessalonians and the Galatians are examined against the background of their historical settings, Paul' s missionary efforts, th e Apostle? ? theology, and Christian theology in general. Special attention is devoted to Paul 's biography and chronology, his understanding of the nature and purpose of the Jewish Law, his eschatology, and his interpretation of Christian suffering. Prerequisite: BTH 3000. Offered: on demand and when feasible. Staf
3.00 Credits
This course will consist of a close examination and exegesis of three Pauline epistles: Ephesians, Colossians and Philippians. Written around the same time, these letters are among the most important in Paul's corpus, especially for the way in which Paul sets out the core of the Gospe l -and articulates exactly what makes Christianity distinct. Prerequisite: BTH 3000. Offered: on demand and when feasible. Weedman, Staff
2.00 Credits
In this course students examine Paul's First and Second Letters to Timothy, along with his Letter to Titus. The Apostle' s intensely practical instruction in church leadership is studied against the background of its historical setting, Pauline theology, issues in church life and leadership facing Christians today, and th e students ' own preparation for leadership ministry. Prerequisite: BTH 3000. Offered: on demand and when feasible. Staff
3.00 Credits
In this course students examine writings attributed to three leaders in the first-century Jewish Church-namely, the Apostle Peter and two of the brothers of Christ, James and Jude. These "general" or "catholic" epistles are not directed to one individual or congregation, but address problems faced by the Church at large. They are studied against the background of their historical settings and Christian theology. Prerequisite: BTH 3000. Offered: on demand and when feasible. Staff
3.00 Credits
This course investigates the Christian Doctrine of Jesus Christ. It seeks to understand who Jesus was and what he accomplished. The doctrine of Christ has three main topics: (1) his teaching, (2) the meaning of his death, and (3) and the meaning of the Resurrection. The course will examine all three of these topics, along with other issues that arise from them, in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the significant of the Incarnation, Death and Resurrection of Christ. In addition to this, it will discuss the challenges of understanding Christ in the modern world, particularly those challenges posed by a Kantian, scientific world view. Prerequisite: BTH 2400. Offered: on demand and when feasible. Weedman
3.00 Credits
This course will examine the nature and purpose of the church in light of some particular challenges that the contemporary church faces. The course begins by surveying Biblical and historical models of the church, paying special attention to how those models have resulted in the variety of "ecclesiologies" that currently exist. It then examine four issues that are of particular importance for understanding the church today: (1) the unity of the church, (2) the role "domestic church", (3) the relationship between the church and politics, and (4) the role of the sacraments-especially the Lo rd's Supper and Baptism-in the life of the church. Prerequisite: BTH 2400. Offered: on demand and when feasible. Wee
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