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4.00 Credits
In this class we will discuss concepts and applications of modern DNA technology including an introduction to the basic concepts pertaining to the emerging field of genomics. We will begin by describing key molecular methods (cloning, sequencing, blotting, PCR) and how they are used in gene analysis. We will then move on to consider how entire genomes are analyzed, and will familiarize ourselves with some of the basic bioinformatics' tools that are commonly used by working biologists. Finally we will consider the methods used to manipulate genomes as a means to determining gene function. This course is intended for sophomores and juniors, and should serve as a bridge between 200-level courses and more advanced, specialty courses (e.g., 500-level courses). When taken with Biology 494LI, this course satisfies the Integrative Experience requirement for BS-Biol majors. Prerequisite: Biology 285 or Biochem 285.
3.00 Credits
We have two goals in this course. The first, and most important, is to introduce Undergraduate Biology students to some of the many fascinating aspects of Plant Biology, especially as these differ from animal biology. For instance, did you know that plants are moving (on a large scale) all the time? It's the truth, but in a very different time scale than we animals use. How do plants do that without the benefit of muscles and skeleton? Have you ever thought about how, in the absence of a pumping heart, plants' circulatory systems work? After all, the water at the top of a tree got there from roots in the ground, but no pump was involved. Plants don't have an immune system, and yet, they 'stand and fight' - literally rooted to the spot - taking on all types of pathogens, as well insects and other predators. What strategies do plants use to overcome these attacks? Have you ever wondered about how biotechnology is used in agriculture? We have all heard news stories about GMO's (genetically modified organisms). What are these and what makes them useful or dangerous? These are the types of topics we will be covering in this course. The second goal for this course is to provide a convenient way for UMass Biology majors to accomplish their plant biology course requirement.
3.00 Credits
Cellular and Molecular Biology Lab is a hands-on project-based course where students explore aspects of cell biology, particularly how proteins within cells are targeted to their correct intracellular location. The class will focus on targeting proteins to intracellular organelles. To approach this cell biological question, students will be using a host of current tools in the life sciences including, bioinformatics, DNA cloning, cell transformation, and microscopy.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
The goal of this internship is to engage students in promoting science outreach and education. Interns will gain experience in key aspects of running a nonprofit organization: the Massachusetts Academy of Sciences. Activities will include creating and posting blogs, interviewing members, enlisting new members, and creating a corps of civic scientists.
0.00 Credits
This fundamental ecology course emphasizes the quantitative skills needed to understand and conduct field research. The lectures introduce major ecological concepts, local vegetation types, and methods and techniques of gathering and analyzing data. In laboratories, students collect original data at sites in the Connecticut Valley and write an original scientific paper. When taken with Biology 494LI, this course satisfies the Integrative Experience requirement for BA-Biol and BS-Biol students. Prerequisite: an introductory biology or botany course.
3.00 Credits
This course focuses on the creation, maintenance and utlitiy of vbertebrate collections. Students learn to legally obtain, prepre, catalogue and store specimens in the University's collections. Prerequisites: Instructor's permission required to enroll. Grades of C or higher in Biology 100 & 101. In addition it is preferable that the student has recieved a C or higher in a 500 level Biology Lab such as Comp. Vert. Anat., Ichthoyology, Mammalogy, Herpetology, Vert. Fossils and Evol. or Ornithology.
4.00 Credits
In this interdisciplinary laboratory course, we will explore the topic of imaging biological material, beginning with optics and basic microscopy. Students will perform hands-on exercises in the use of the light microscope, digital cameras, and image processing and quantification. Common pitfalls in imaging biological samples will be covered. Students will perform experiments to test and quantify various aspects of cell migration, cell cycle regulation, mitosis and endocytosis. Using the methods learned in the first portion of the class, students will design and complete a hypothesis-based experiment of their own design and present their findings. When taken with Biology 494LI, this course satisfies the Integrative Experience requirement for BA-Biol and BS-Biol students.
3.00 Credits
The goal of this laboratory course is to explore how researchers address modern biological questions through the use of model organisms. The course will be taught by a team of faculty whose own research employs these model systems to answer a diverse range of biological problems, including molecular evolution, plant development, embryonic development and population genetics. Students will be introduced to several different model organisms that may include representative bacterial, plant, invertebrate, and vertebrate species. Lab exercises will employ sophisticated, state-of-the-art molecular methods and will tackle a variety of current biological questions. Prerequisites: BIOLOGY 285 or BIOCHEM 285 or BIOLOGY 283, all with a grade of 'B' or better.
4.00 Credits
Introduction to the ecology, behavior, taxonomy, and physiology of tropical organisms, with emphasis on close observation of living organisms in nature. Includes hands-on investigation of coastal and marine ecosystems. Students will participate in a field trip to Costa Rica during the Spring Break. Satisfies the Integrative Experience for BS-Biol majors.
1.00 Credits
This 1-credit course fulfills one component of the General Education Integrative Experience requirement for Biology majors. The course is designed to help students appreciate what their academic training has been, and where it is leading them professionally. Students will learn about career options for life scientists and develop strategies and skills to position themselves to be successful. In order to satisfy the Integrative Experience requirement, BA-Biol and BS-Biol majors must also take one of the approved 3- or 4-credit Biology courses listed on their Academic Requirements Report.
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