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1.00 Credits
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1.00 Credits
Finite difference methods for solving time-dependent initial value problems of partial differential equations. Fundamental concepts of consistency, accuracy, stability and convergence of finite difference methods will be covered. Associated well-posedness theory for linear time-dependent PDEs will also be covered. Some knowledge of computer programming expected.
1.00 Credits
An introduction to weighted residual methods, specifically spectral, finite element and spectral element methods. Topics include a review of variational calculus, the Rayleigh-Ritz method, approximation properties of spectral end finite element methods, and solution techniques. Homework will include both theoretical and computational problems.
1.00 Credits
We will cover finite difference and other methods for solving hyperbolic partial differential. Background material in hyperbolic partial differential equations will also be covered. Algorithm development, analysis, implementation and application issues will be addressed. Prerequisite: APMA 2550 or equivalent knowledge in numerical methods. May be repeated once for credit.
1.00 Credits
An introduction to computational fluid dynamics with emphasis on incompressible flows. Reviews the basic discretization methods (finite differences and finite volumes) following a pedagogical approach from basic operators to the Navier-Stokes equations. Suitable for first-year graduate students, more advanced students, and senior undergraduates. Requirements include three to four computer projects. Material from APMA 1170 and 1180 is appropriate as prerequisite, but no prior knowledge of fluid dynamics is necessary.
1.00 Credits
This is a topics course, covering a selection of modern applications of probability and statistics in the computational, cognitive, engineering, and neural sciences. The course will be rigorous, but the emphasis will be on application. Topics will likely include: Markov chains and their applications to MCMC computing and hidden Markov models; Dependency graphs and Bayesian networks; parameter estimation and the EM algorithm; Nonparametric statistics ("learning theory"), including consistency, bias/variance tradeoff, and regularization; Gibbs distributions, maximum entropy, and their connections to large deviations. Each topic will be introduced with several lectures on the mathematical underpinnings, and concluded with a computer project, carried out by each student individually, demonstrating the mathematics and the utility of the approach.
1.00 Credits
A one-semester course that provides an introduction to probability theory based on measure theory. The course covers the following topics: probability spaces, random variables and measurable functions, independence and infinite product spaces, expectation and conditional expectation, weak convergence of measures, laws of large numbers and the Central Limit Theorem, discrete time martingale theory and applications.
1.00 Credits
A one-semester course in probability that provides an introduction to stochastic processes. The course covers the following subjects: Markov chains, Poisson process, birth and death processes, continuous-time martingales, optional sampling theorem, martingale convergence theorem, Brownian motion, introduction to stochastic calculus and Ito's formula, stochastic differential equations, the Feynman-Kac formula, Girsanov's theorem, the Black-Scholes formula, basics of Gaussian and stationary processes. Prerequisite: AMPA 2630 or equivalent course.
1.00 Credits
Review of the theory of stochastic differential equations and reflected SDEs, and of the ergodic and stability theory of these processes. Introduction to the theory of weak convergence of probability measures and processes. Concentrates on applications to the probabilistic modeling, control, and approximation of modern communications and queuing networks; emphasizes the basic methods, which are fundamental tools throughout applications of probability.
1.00 Credits
This course presents advanced statistical inference methods. Topics include: foundations of statistical inference and comparison of classical, Bayesian, and minimax approaches, point and set estimation, hypothesis testing, linear regression, linear classification and principal component analysis, MRF, consistency and asymptotic normality of Maximum Likelihood and estimators, statistical inference from noisy or degraded data, and computational methods (E-M Algorithm, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Bootstrap). Prerequisite: APMA 2630 or equivalent.
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