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1.00 Credits
An introduction to the methodology of experimental economics with an emphasis on experiments designed to illuminate problems in organizational design and emergence of institutions, and experiments investigating the operation of social and social-psychological elements of preference such as altruism, inequality aversion, reciprocity, trust, concern for relative standing, envy, and willingness to punish norm violators. Experiments studied will include ones based on the prisoners' dilemma, dictator game, ultimatum game, and especially the voluntary contribution mechanism (public goods game) and the trust game.
1.00 Credits
Pending Approval Introduces decision-making (mainly laboratory) experiments in economics, and related behavioral theories, with an emphasis on problems of social interactions, fairness, reciprocity, and punishment. Voluntary contribution and trust games as principal examples, along with prisoner's dilemmas, ultimatum and dictator game experiments, and more complex designs for studying institutional and organizational problems.
1.00 Credits
General equilibrium analysis of the theory of international trade and trade policy under perfect competition; trade under imperfect competition; strategic trade policy; trade and growth; and the political economy of trade policy determination. Empirical analysis of trade theories and policy. Additional topics include the theory of preferential trading areas, trade and labor, and the analytics of trade policy reform.
1.00 Credits
Advanced theoretical and empirical research topics in international economics emphasizing positive and normative analysis of trade, trade policy and international trading agreements, policy reform and stabilization, exchange rate determination, sovereign debt and currency crises and optimum currency areas.
1.00 Credits
Topics in applied econometrics. Both cross-sectional and time series issues will be discussed. Special emphasis will be placed on the link between econometric theory and empirical work.
1.00 Credits
Standard and generalized linear models, simultaneous equations, maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference, panel data, nonlinear models, asymptotic theory, discrete choice, and limited dependent variable models.
1.00 Credits
Topics in microeconometrics treated from a modern Bayesian perspective. Limited and qualitative dependent variables, selectivity bias, duration models, panel data.
1.00 Credits
Topics in Econometrics. The lecture consists of a number of influential articles in Econometrics on topics like GMM, Empirical Processes, Weak instruments, Non-and Semi-parametric regression, Bootstrap, Edgeworth approximation.
1.00 Credits
This course will focus on the qualitative analysis of discrete dynamical systems and their application for Intertemporal Economics.
1.00 Credits
The role of human capital, income distribution, population growth, technological progress, and international trade in the determination of differences in growth performance across countries. Inequality and economic growth. Technological progress and wage inequality. The transition from stagnation to sustained growth. Evolution and growth.
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