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1.00 Credits
A study of the Chinese story in its social and historical context. The seminar will survey the broad story stereotypes and consider their earlier sources in the classical tale, storytelling, drama, and ritual. All readings are in English translation.
1.00 Credits
A seminar focused on larger-than-life loves in Chinese drama, fiction, and poetry. The course will explore how passion, feeling, and subjectivity was increasingly viewed as essential to human nature and society from the 15th century onward.
1.00 Credits
A study of the art of the love letter in China of the 16th to 18th centuries. The circulation of letter-writing manuals fueled the rise of letter fiction in China, as it did in Europe in the same period. The seminar will explore how desire serves as a motive for writing to someone far away, an element of the plot, and an end in itself, in comparative and theoritical perspectives. All readings are in English. Enrollment limited to 20.
1.00 Credits
This seminar investigates the relationship between activism and art in early modern and 20th century Japan and Korea. Historical topics to be discussed in relation to works of fiction, biography, poetry, film and graphic art include the Freedom and People's Rights Movement, Japanese anarchism, pre-WWI communism, feminism, the Kwangju Uprising and the Minjung Munhak Movement.
1.00 Credits
A seminar investigating interactions between objects and literary composition in China of the 12th to 16th century, exploring 3 core issues: 1st, what do writers about objects reveal about notions of literary art and artifice? 2nd, in what ways are material artifacts endowed with aesthetic and personal meaning? 3rd, what literary and extra-literary factors shaped exchanges of poetry and gift-giving as linked forms of social intercourse? Readings in English translation.
1.00 Credits
A survey of the evolution of major forms of Chinese lyric poetry beginning with the Shijing (Book of Songs), the breakthrough to 5-character verse in the Han Dynasty, landscape (shanshui) and field and garden (tianyuan) poetry of the 6 Dynasties, and the flowering of the shi form during the Tang Dynasty. Readings will be in Chinese, discussions in English. Previous study of classical Chinese or permission of the instructor required.
1.00 Credits
The swaying vision of 20th century Chinese literature subjugates literature under the command of China as a nation in peril. The strife between the communists and nationalists in China's "domestic" politics adds another layer of determinism in perceiving literature of modern China. This seminar reflects upon such determinism through the bifocal lens of affect and idea and inspects how the trends of traditionalism, iconoclasm, nationalism and communism are mediated, diverted or subverted through affective experience in literary representation. Readings include creative and critical literature and three weeks engaging with cinema. No knowledge of Chinese required. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.
1.00 Credits
This seminar investigates cultural practices enacted by Japanese gays and lesbians, or otherwise related to same-sex attraction. How have sexual identities traditionally been constructed in Japan, and how has the modern period transformed them? How has same-sex sexuality become figured in the Japanese art, literature and popular culture of the 20th century; and how have the forces of a global LGBT culture interacted with the specific experiences of a same-sex community in Japan? This class explores questions about queer history, writing and cultural practice by looking at particular moments in the Japanese past and present.
0.00 Credits
Interested students must register for HIST 1970R S01.
0.00 Credits
Interested students must register for HIST 1972Z S01 (CRN 14218).
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