Course Criteria
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1.00 Credits
Explores what is aversive to us and why. In particular, the ways in which sensory preception (e.g., smell, taste, vision), cognition, culture, personal experience and neurobiology mediate our avoidance responses will be analyzed. The purpose of avoidance from an evolutionary perspective and how the emotion od disgust is uniquely human will be a theme throughout the course. Topics will range from neuropsychological disorders to our social behavior and morality. Additionally, why we are attracted to stimuli that "should" inspire avoidance (e.g., horror movies, roller coaster rides) will be examined. Students will acquire a broad knowledge of the psychology of aversion through course readings, discussions, projects and active participation. In addition to presentations and discussion, class time activities may include completing questionnaires, watching vidoes and assessing various sensory stimuli. Prerequisite: CLPS 0010 (PSYC 0010), CLPS 0020 (COGS 0010), or NEUR 0010. Enrollment limited to 20 students. Not open to first year students.
1.00 Credits
No description available.
1.00 Credits
One of the main purposes of encoding visual information is to perform visually-guided actions to directly interact with the external world. This seminar will shed light on the behavioral and underlying neural mechanisms involved in integrating perception and cognitive processes, and converting them into action. We will also explore how visuo-motor behavior can provide a useful tool to study a wide range of conscious and unconscious cognitive processes including the current locus of attention, the nature of language representation, spatial representation of number, and high-level decision-making. Prerequisite: CLPS 0010 (PSYC 0010), CLPS 0020 (COGS 0010), or NEUR 0010.
1.00 Credits
This course provides hands-on experience in studying vision using computer graphics combined with visual psychophysics. Students will gain a better understanding of how images are formed, how one employs properties of image formation in the experimental study of vision, and how the perception of complex images function in biological systems. Labs will rely on matlab and several computer graphics packages (e.g; Lightwave). Enrollment limited to 20.
0.00 Credits
Interested students must register for EDUC 1710 S01 (CRN 25967).
1.00 Credits
How do infant and preschoolers learn about the world? We will examine children's understanding of the physical world, psychological kinds, biological entities, number, objects, and space. Students are expected to read and comment on both empirical and theoretical primary source articles, to participate in weekly discussions, and complete a set of writing assignments. Prerequisites: CLPS 0600 (PSYC0810), CLPS 0610 (COGS0630), or EDUC0800.
1.00 Credits
The acquisition of knowledge during the first year of life. Special attention to the infant's emerging concepts of space, objects, intermodal sensory connections, and speech as well as to such issues as the role of innate knowledge and the nature of the infant's concepts and categories.
1.00 Credits
This course will examine fundamental topics in cognitive development from the point of view of the developing brain. Topics of interest will include developing abilities in perception, attention, action, object concepts, memory, learning, planning, language, and social cognition. Typical and atypical brain development will be considered. Prerequisite: One of CLPS 0600 (PSYC 0810), CLPS 0610 (COGS 0630), EDUC 0800, or permission of the instructor.
1.00 Credits
Analysis of brain developing focusing on neural substrates of psychological processes. Prerequisites: CLPS 0010 (PSYC 0010) or NEUR 0010. Not open to first year students or sophomores. Instructor permission required.
1.00 Credits
No description available.
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