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1.00 Credits
A seminar focusing on the experimental analysis of animal mental processes such as perception, attention, learning, memory, and decision-making. Some specific topics include navigation, visual search, working memory, time perception and memory, song learning in birds, and concept formation. Prerequisite: advanced lab.
1.00 Credits
Examines basic principles of learning theory as applied to the development and change of human behavior. Topics include: experimental design in clinical research, addictive behavior, fear and anxiety reduction, cognitive behavior modification, self management, child behavior modification, and clinical therapy. Prerequisites: CLPS 0701 (PSYC 0300) or CLPS 1700 (PSYC 1330). Enrollment limited to 50.
1.00 Credits
Research articles focusing on the neural regulation of behavior are discussed, with an emphasis on experimentation in animal models. Topics vary from year to year but may include the neural and molecular mechanisms regulating social behaviors, the mechanisms and site of action of drugs of abuse, development of neural systems, sensory information processing and genetic analysis of behavior. Prerequisites: CLPS 0410 (PSYC 0750) or NEUR 0010. Enrollment limited to 25.
1.00 Credits
Topics include temporal perception, memory, and preferences; cognitive, biological, and quantitative theories of timing; biological rhythms; pharmacological influences on time perception and timed performance; altered timing in abnormal states; and timing in sports and music. Enrollment limited to 20.
1.00 Credits
Overview of sleep, biological timing, dreaming, and sleep disorders. Topics include physiology of NREM and REM sleep, circadian rhythms, determinants and measurement of daytime sleepiness, development and phylogeny, dreaming, and sleep functions. Biological bases and behavioral concomitants of sleep disorders are assessed. Prerequisites: CLPS 0010 (PSYC 0010) and NEUR 0010, or CLPS 0110 (PSYC 0500), or other background in NREM science or physiology. Students who have taken CLPS 0120 (PSYC 0550) should not take this course. Not open to Freshmen or Sophomores.
1.00 Credits
No description available.
1.00 Credits
Topics include canine perception, cognition, vocalization and social behavior. The behavior of wolves and other wild canids is also explored to facilitate our understanding of the domestic dog. This is an advanced seminar for concentrators in Psychology. It is also intended for anyone interested in animal behavior, especially Biology and Neuroscience concentrators. Prerequisites: CLPS 0050E (PSYC 0190A), CLPS 1191 (PSYC 1450), or BIOL 0450. Not open to first year students.
1.00 Credits
The study of animal communication systems from mechanistic, developmental, ecological, and evolutionary perspectives. The uses of auditory, chemical, and visual cues for mediating intraspecific communication in both vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Recommended prerequisites: CLPS 0110 (PSYC 0500), CLPS 1192 (PSYC 1200), BIOL 0450, or equivalent.
0.00 - 1.00 Credits
Laboratory course in behavioral neuroscience for advanced students of psychology or or neuroscience. The goal is to gain "hands on" research experience with a variety of behavioral assays used to assess the effects of genetic mutations on behavior. Over the course of the semester, students will examine the behavioral phenotype of three mouse models of human disease and prepare a manuscript suitable for publication in a scientific journal. Prerequisites: CLPS 0410 (PSYC 0750) or NEUR 0010, and CLPS 0900 (PSYC/COGS 0090).
1.00 Credits
This course is designed for students with a serious interest in animal behavior research. Topics include methods in lab and field research, conservation issues, enrichment programs for captive species and conditioning procedures for managing zoo and shelter animals. Course meets at Roger Williams Park Zoo, Providence. Prerequisites: CLPS 0050E (PSYC 0190A), CLPS 0110 (PSYC 0500), or BIOL 0450. Enrollment limited to 12; not open to first year students.
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