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1.00 - 3.00 Credits
This course is an opportunity for undergraduates to assist in course instruction, tutoring, and preparation of problems, readings, and exam materials with permission and under supervision of instructor. This course counts toward up to 6 hours of credit in an advanced field for the Political Science major.
3.00 Credits
This course examines how politicians and policies are selected by citizens in democracies. The literature exploring the rules and procedures that govern elections is perhaps the most theoretically and empirically sophisticated body of knowledge in the study of politics. We explore how differences in these institutional rules across a variety of democracies shape the types of strategic choices voters make, the coalitions that legislators form, whose interests are represented, the structure of parties, the career paths of politicians, and the policies that governments pursue. We further investigate how, when, and why electoral rules are changed with reference to several recent cases of electoral reform.
3.00 Credits
How do the institutional designs of contemporary democratic governments help us understand the nature and quality of representation? We concentrate on variations in the powers granted presidents by constitutions as well as the institutional determinants of whether executives are likely to find support for their policies in the legislature. In addition, we explore how incentives established by electoral laws influence the priorities of members of congress. Given all these variations in democratic institutional design, can voters go to the polls with the confidence that politicians will implement the economic policies for which their parties have long stood or which they promised in their campaigns?
3.00 Credits
From the moment enslaved Africans were brought to American shores, race and racism has been central to the American political project. In this class we examine how notions of race and racism inform conceptions of citizenship, the allocation of state resources, the development of political parties, and political participation. We also examine the way that race and racism influence public opinion.
3.00 Credits
This course is intended primarily for sophomores and juniors. The topic of this course varies by semester, dependent on faculty and student interests. Prerequisite: Pol Sci 101B.
3.00 Credits
The substantive goal of this course is to study the civil rights movement in order to learn more about the role of social movements, federalism, the legislative process, the presidency, political parties, and the courts in American politics. This is a writing-intensive seminar, limited to 18 students, each of whom write three essays. Each student submits an early draft of each essay, which is edited and returned to the student for polishing. There are review sessions on grammar, punctuation, word usage, and paragraph construction. The readings for the course include some of the best essays on the subject of civil rights by W.E.B. DuBois, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and others. Prerequisite: Pol Sci 101B.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to theories and concepts used in the analysis of political parties in democratic regimes, with emphasis on the classic literature covering West European advanced industrial democracies and the more recent scholarship on Latin-American party systems. The course illuminates the complex aims, consequences, and characteristics of modern party politics.
3.00 Credits
No course description available.
3.00 Credits
This course is intended primarily for sophomores and juniors. The topic of this course varies by semester, dependent on faculty and student interests.
3.00 Credits
This seminar examines current topics and controversies in contemporary Indian politics. The course has three main foci: the links between politics and economic liberalization over the past two decades; the links between ascriptive identities such as religion, caste and gender and contemporary political processes, including ethnic and gender quotas; and the changes in party politics at the national and state levels that have accompanied the decline of Congress party dominance. Specific topics include the role of caste and religion in contemporary politics; the rise of state parties and its effects on federal relations; the effects of economic reform and globalization on economy and society; urbanization and migration flows; the rise of modern Hindu nationalism; and the links between collective violence and electoral politics.
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