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  • 3.00 Credits

    An introduction to computer-aided engineering design in the context of mechanical and structural engineering. Students learn the fundamentals of spatial reasoning and graphical representation. Freehand sketching skills, including pictorial and orthographic views, are applied to the design process. Computer modeling techniques provide accuracy, analysis, and visualization tools necessary for the design of structures, devices, and machines. Topics include: detailing design for production; fasteners; dimensioning; tolerancing; creation of part and assembly drawings; computer-aided design, analysis and optimization of parts and assemblies; solid modeling of complex surfaces; assembly modeling; assembly constraints; and interference checking.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Computer-aided design, analysis, and optimization of parts and assemblies; solid modeling of complex surfaces, creation of detail drawings, dimensioning and tolerancing; assembly modeling, assembly constraints, interference checking; motion constraints, force and acceleration analysis, thermal analysis; part optimization for weight, strength, and thermal characteristics using Unigraphics software. MASE 203 is an extension of the basic course, MASE 202.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Principles of statics, solid mechanics, force systems, and equilibrium. Equivalent systems of forces and distributed forces. Applications to trusses, frames, machines, beams, and cables. Mechanics of deformable solids and indeterminate problems. Stress, strain, deflection, yield and fracture in beams, columns, and torsion members. Prerequisite: Physics 117A. Corequisite: Math 217.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Review of vector algebra and calculus. Kinematics of a particle. Newton's laws and the kinetics of a particle. Work and energy. Impulse and momentum. Kinematics of rigid bodies. General theorems for systems of particles. Kinetics of rigid bodies. The inertia tensor. Prerequisites: Math 217.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Topics include: classical thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties, work and heat, first and second laws, entropy, irreversibility, availability, thermodynamic cycle analysis, mixtures of ideal gases, combustion processes and chemical equilibrium. Applications to engineering systems are discussed. Prerequisites: Chem 111A, Math 132, Physics 117A.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Overview of the steps in the engineering design process and an introduction to several classes of machine elements such as bearings, gears, belts, brakes, and springs. Underlying analytical models of the machine elements are presented along with guidelines about designing and choosing such elements for practical applications. A case study of the steps of the design process as well as the rationale for choosing particular machine elements. Prerequisites: MASE 251 or 253, MASE 361.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Basic theory of elasticity, basic properties of aerospace and structural materials, principles of stressed skin construction; bending, shear, and torsion of open and closed cross-section beams including shear center, structural idealization, loads, joints and fittings. Introduction to indeterminate structural analysis techniques and influence line, analysis for continuous beams, trusses and frames. Prerequisites: MASE 252 or 253.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fundamental concepts of fluids as continua. Topics include: viscosity, flow fields, velocity, vorticity, streamlines, fluid statics, hydrostatic forces, manometers, conservation of mass and momentum, incompressible inviscid flow, dimensional analysis and similitude, flow in pipes and ducts, flow measurement, boundary-layer concepts, flow in open channels. CBTL course. Prerequisites: ESE 317, MASE 255.
  • 1.00 Credits

    Physical laboratory exercises focusing on fluid properties and flow phenomena covered in MASE 3410. Calibration and use of a variety of equipment; acquisition, processing, and analysis of data by manual as well as automated methods; training in formal report writing. Prerequisite: MASE 3410.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Introductory treatment of the principles of heat transfer by conduction, convection, or radiation. Mathematical analysis of steady and unsteady conduction along with numerical methods. Analytical and semi empirical methods of forced and natural convection systems. Boiling and condensation heat transfer. Radiation between black-body and real surfaces. Radiation network analysis. Physical laboratory exercises focusing on heat-transfer phenomena. Calibration and use of a variety of laboratory instrumentation; acquisition, processing, and analysis of data. Prerequisites: MASE 341, ESE 317.
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