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3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: MATH 01236 and ENGR 01341 and CHEM 06105 Topics in principles of environmental engineering, including ecosystems, water and wastewater treatment and design, and sludge/residuals management.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: CEE 08311 Topics in solid and hazardous waste and air pollution engineering, including regulations, fundamentals, evaluation, management, prevention, treatment and disposal.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: MATH 01235 and ENGR 01341 This course deals with the analysis and design of basic water flow structures using the principles of hydraulics and hydrology. The topics covered in hydrology include the analysis of rainfall, runoff, groundwater flow, and stream flow. The topics covered in hydraulics include the analysis and design of hydraulic structures such as weirs, open channels, culverts, and storm sewers. The course includes appropriate laboratory experiments and computer applications.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENGR 01272 and ENGR 01341 and CEE 08301 The course deals with the basic principles of geo-technical engineering including soil properties and soil mechanics. The study of soil properties includes soil gradation, void ratio, porosity, water content, degree of saturation, specific gravity, soil consistency, soil classification. The study of soil mechanics includes permeability, capillarity, seepage and stresses in soils. The course includes appropriate laboratory experiments.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: CEE 08203 The course deals with the analysis, design, construction, operation, maintenance, rehabilitation, and efficiency of transportation systems and mass transit systems. The course includes a study of the impact on transportation systems caused by sociological, geographical, economic and environmental factors. The course also includes appropriate field measurements and computer applications.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENGR 01271 and ENGR 01272 This course deals with the analysis of simply-supported and continuous structures using classic and matrix analysis methods including integration, moment-area, conjugate beam, virtual work, force, and stiffness methods. Trusses, beams and frames are considered in the course.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: CEE 08382 This course deals with the analysis and design of structural frames. Analysis using the stiffness method is emphasized. The design of frame members includes the design of steel beams and beam-columns, connections for steel frames, bracing and composite steel/concrete members. Steel joists and decking are also introduced. The course includes appropriate computer applications.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ECON 04102 The course deals with the development of engineering estimates for civil engineering projects and project components including labor, materials, and equipment. Total project costs including direct and indirect costs, field and home-office costs, and contingency are covered. Also covered are the various types of civil engineering estimates including piles and cofferdams, wellpoints and earthdrilling, water and sewer systems, road and highway pavements, concrete buildings and bridges, and steel buildings and bridges. The course includes appropriate computer applications.
3.00 Credits
Topics in Fundamentals of Physiochochemical Processes in Environmental Engineering such as Absorption, Coagulation/Flocculation, Filtration, Sedimentation, Disinfection, Ion Exchange, Chemical Oxidation, Corrosion and Membranes.
3.00 Credits
Topics in site remediation engineering, including site characterization, site safety, modeling site conditions, conducting feasibility studies, and designing remediation systems, such as pump and treat, stabilization, containment, treatment walls, natural attenuation, enhanced bioremediation, phytoremediation, oxidation, soil flushing, and soil vapor extraction.