Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Overview of K-12 reading programs. Examines district, building, and classroom models, program development, implementation, and assessment/evaluation. Analysis of supervisory roles and leadership alternatives. Writing and technology connections will be explored.
3.00 Credits
The course will provide an overview of educational administration and cover basic issues facing school administrators. It provides an introduction to the role of the school leader in contemporary educational programs and services. Students will examine opportunities in school administration and begin to develop a knowledge base for leadership in a variety of educational settings.
3.00 Credits
This Internet course addresses three levels of administrative communications - individual, group and organization - and examines the concepts and skills needed to be an effective communicator. Students will develop applications emphasizing goal-oriented communications and making strategic choices in content, structure, style and delivery. An emphasis is given to the design and best use of computer technologies such as Word and PowerPoint applications. The course also covers basic ethical and legal issues of work-place communications.
2.00 Credits
Examines the expanding field of early childhood in order to understand major issues which are shaping the development and support of early education and child care programs. Designed for present and future teachers, administrators, and other workers in the field of early childhood, and for the general public who must participate in major pending decisions relating to such questions as proposed changes in state licensing, teacher certification, and funding sources.
3.00 Credits
This course promotes the role of the early childhood educator as a leader and advocator for young children and families. It is designed for present and future teachers, administrators and other professionals who participate in decisions relating to public policy legislation, state licensing, teacher certification, funding resources, parental involvement and other issues affecting young children and families.
2.00 - 3.00 Credits
This class will focus on important legal and regulatory issues related to public, education, and nonprofit organizations. It will consider the various court and administrative decisions which affect these. Numerous case situations will be used to facilitate the student's learning.
2.00 Credits
Site-based management in organizations is an evolving type of organizational improvement effort. Shared planning and participative decision-making are other related vehicles for enabling local organizational units to plan and execute their own processes, goals, and outcomes. An examination of the policies, practices, evolving research, impediments, and promoters of site-based management will be reviewed, along with case studies of success stories.
3.00 Credits
Basic principles and actual practices of financial administration and accounting for state/local governments, public school systems, and non-profit organizations, particularly budgeting and financial reporting within the context of other organizational processes and political demands and/or requirements. As one of the required seminars for the Educational Administration Certification, the case method will be employed to illustrate issues and problems of school financial administration.
3.00 Credits
This seminar will examine human resource administration activities in public, educational and nonprofit settings. Issues such as recruiting, selection, planning, performance appraisal, contracting and collective bargaining will be related to the overall administrative activities. Emphasis will be placed on the connections between human resource issues in public, education, and nonprofit organizations.
2.00 - 3.00 Credits
Students will learn how organizations are structured and shaped, know what features of organizations vary and the parameters on which they vary, and be able to analyze, synthesize, and apply concepts to reduce organizational uncertainty, and to improve and regulate organization behaviors and outcomes. Attention will also focus on top down and participatory administration in organizations, and change in public, educational, and nonprofit organizations and agencies.
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