Course Criteria
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1.00 - 6.00 Credits
Readings or analytical assignments in anthropology in accordance with the needs and interest of those enrolled and agreed upon by the student and instructor. (F,W).
3.00 Credits
The study of women, men, children, socialization practices, and the genesis of sex roles cross-culturally. Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 406 and ANTH 506. ANTH 101 recommended. (YR).
3.00 Credits
This course will offer an overview of sexual differences including: the socio-cultural construction of gender, sexual behavior, and orientation; sex and sexualities in language and literature; and diversity by race, class, and cultural heritage. These topics will enable students to understand human sexuality within and across a continuum removing notions of duality, or polarity, in sexual behaviors and orientations. Examples both from within Western society and from non-Western societies may be used to further this position. Theoretical perspectives may encompass sociological and anthropological work, literary theory and criticism, queer theory, and multi-disciplinary discussions/discourse. Texts may include: Sex and the Machine: Readings in Culture, Gender and Technology, The Anatomy of Love, The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, Second Skins: The Body Narratives of Transexuality, and Lesbian and Gay Marriage.
3.00 Credits
This course provides an advanced undergraduate introduction to the topic of human growth and shows how human growth can be a reliable measure ot the psychological, social, economic and moral conditions of a society. A major theme will be the interplay of biology and culture in shaping the patterns of human growth and, consequently, the health of populations and individuals.
3.00 Credits
This course addresses the question, "What is a man?", in various historical, cross-cultural, and contemporary contexts. A major focus on the social and cultural factors that underlie and shape conceptions of manhood and masculinity in America as well as in a variety of societies around the globe. (AY).
3.00 Credits
The influence of nutrition on physical and mental development from conception to adulthood. Topics include: 1) the definition and function of the essential nutrients for people, 2) basic principles of human growth and development, 3) the causes and consequences of under- and overnutrition, 4) feeding practices for infants and children and the development of food habits, 5) nutrient and food problems in the local region and in global perspective. Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 415 and ANTH 515. (YR).
3.00 Credits
A study of the diversity of kinship and marriage systems, and of the history of kinship theory which has played a seminal role in the development of general anthropological theory. Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 420 and ANTH 520. (OC).
3.00 Credits
How and where do people learn? Why are there schools, and how is schooling culturally organized? Why do school experiences tend to vary by "race", social class, and gender? What insights does anthropology bring to practical problems of learning and teaching? Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 421 and ANTH 521. ANTH 101 or SOC 200 recommended. (AY).
3.00 Credits
A consideration of alternative approaches to gaining ethnographic understandings by reading anthropological novels (Bohannan, LeGuin), fiction and poetry by non-western authors (Silko, Achebe), and travel writing (Chatwin, O'Hanlon). Junior standing; ANTH 101 highly recommended. (YR).
3.00 Credits
An examination of the social functions of speech through readings and exercises, emphasizing schools and other applied settings. Topics include ethnic and social class dialects, codeswitching, and the organization of conversation. Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 425 and ANTH 525. (OC).
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