Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This course is designed for all secondary and P-12 education majors. The purpose of this course is to establish a foundation of content and application relative to classroom management and discipline, emphasizing reflection, decision making, and integrated teaching/learning strategies. Methodologies utilized will include discussion, lecture, field experience, case studies, problem solving sessions, projects, and research.
3.00 Credits
This course provides seniors an opportunity during internship to examine broad educational issues and concerns, topics on the state and local levels and those of personal interest. The scope of the course ranges from juvenile law, classroom management, professionalism, professional development for teachers and other course topics. Prerequisite: Admission to TEP. Co-requisite: SED Internship.
9.00 Credits
The Professional Internship Program is the culminating clinical field-based experience for students seeking certification in a teaching field. The Professional Internship Program provides the student with the opportunity to conduct classes and assume the role of a teacher while receiving supervision from a classroom teacher and a university supervisor for a period of one full semester. The student will demonstrate skills of the informed, reflective decision maker throughout the internship experience. Prerequisite: Admission to TEP. Corequisite: SED 4454.
3.00 Credits
Teaching methods, selection, organization and use of materials and resources in the secondary school disciplines. Observation and teaching experiences will be included. Prerequisites: EDU 3310 and admission to TEP.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Undergraduate research with attention to critical evaluation of research techniques, methods and procedures. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0, permission of guiding professor, approval of department chairperson or dean. A written request is to be submitted to the department chairperson at least two weeks in advance of the term in which study is to be undertaken. May not be used to repeat a course for which a grade of D or below has been earned. Application forms are available in the Office of University Records. Guided independent research may be taken only in the applicant’s major or minor field. Also see index for "Independent Study and Research."
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Supervised study through field or laboratory projects, guided readings, creative endeavors or achievement of specific skills. Prerequisites: junior or senior status, permission of guiding professor, approval of department chairperson and the dean. A written request is to be submitted to the department chairperson at least two weeks in advance of the term in which study is to be undertaken. May not be used to repeat a course for which a grade of D or below has been earned. Also see index for "Independent Study and Research."
3.00 Credits
An examination of conditions that are harmful to society. Topics include problems with social institutions, inequality, deviance, and social change.
3.00 Credits
Survey of basic sociological concepts and the effect of social phenomena on individuals, groups and institutions.
3.00 Credits
The social, psychological, legal and practical aspects of marriage, emphasizing the sociological perspective in an examination of major issues relating to marital success.
3.00 Credits
An analysis of several major social institutions, their structural components, processes, and resultant problems. Group interrelations and social change will be emphasized.
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