Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
(Formerly BUS 210, Principles of Law) An introductory study of the legal system of the United States and its relationship to the business manager. Topics include contracts, sales (general background in torts and product liability under Article 2 of the UCC), negotiable instruments and administrative agencies. Prerequisite: Placement in ENG*101 or permission of instructor
3.00 Credits
(Formerly BUS 212) An in-depth study of business organizations including agency and securities regulation and antitrust regulations with emphasis on real and personal property including an in-depth study of secured transactions under Article 9 of UCC. Prerequisite: Placement in ENG*101 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
(Formerly BUS 298, Cooperative Work Experience) This course enables a student who has completed 24 credits with a G.P.A. of 2.5 or higher to earn college credit for work experience in a career which correlates with his/her business program of study. Student must work a minimum of 15 hours per week in a college approved position as well as attend seminars. Prerequisite: 24 completed credits, GPA 2.5 and permission of the Cooperative Work Experience Coordinator.
3.00 Credits
(Formerly BUS 106) An introduction to small business management, including the attitude, knowledge and skills needed to own and operate a small business. Topics include the resources needed in the formation of new ventures, an understanding of the basic business skills needed to finance, market and manage a small business, risk taking and the formulation of a wellconceived business plan.
3.00 Credits
(Formerly BUS 201, Business Finance) This course provides basic principles involved in the process of making financial decisions. Topics include the time value of money, ratio analysis of financial statements, leverage, cash flow and working capital and the relationship of risk to return. Prerequisite: ACC* 115 (Formerly ACCT 103). Recommended: ENG* 101 (Formerly ENG 101L) and MAT* 137 (Formerly MATH 121) prior to this course.
3.00 Credits
(Formerly BIO 100, Principles of Human Biology) This is an introductory course dealing with the structure and function of the human organism and the issues facing humans in today's world. It is intended for students with a limited science background.
3.00 Credits
(Formerly BIO 101) A study of the science of nutrition including the chemical structure, function, digestion, absorption, and metabolism of nutrients. Class discussion will emphasize how poor dietary habits contribute to the formation of diseases associated with the Western diet. Students critically analyze their own diets with respect to nutritional content and adequacy. Prerequisite: High School Biology, BIO*110 (Formerly BIO 100) or permission of instructor.
4.00 Credits
(Formerly BIO 120L) Designed to introduce the student to the basic anatomy and physiology of the eye, this course will include study of the eye and its associated structures. Students will conduct a detailed study of the eyelids and lashes, the orbit, extra ocular muscles, the crystalline lens, the retina, lacrimal apparatus, uveal tract, and the cornea. Included in the course is certification in Adult C.P.R., a segment on A.I.D.S. awareness, and a study of medical abbreviations and commonly used medical prefixes and suffixes. The laboratory component of the course includes dissection of cow's eye, as well as numerous slide and video presentations of ocular anatomy, physiology and surgery. Prerequisite: high school biology or permission of instructor. This is a "L" course
4.00 Credits
An introduction to the structure and function of cells including, but not limited to, membrane structure and function, basic biochemistry, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, modern genetics, gene expression, and cell division. Recommended for science majors and pre-allied health students. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: placement in ENG*101 or completion of ENG*063 with a grade of C- or better.
4.00 Credits
A study of the diversity of life including evolution, population genetics, phylogenetics, and an overview of the kingdoms of life. Emphasis on structure, function and evolutionary relationships of organisms. Laboratory involves experimental design and hypothesis testing along with observation of living and preserved specimens, some dissection required. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisite: placement in ENG*101 or completion of ENG*063 with a grade of C- or better.
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