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3.00 Credits
(Formerly ITAL 102, Elementary Italian) Continued development of speaking, listening, and writing skills as well as fundamentals of grammar. Prerequisite: ITA*101 (Formerly ITAL 101).
1.00 Credits
(Formerly ITAL 105, Elementary Conversational Italian) Development of conversational proficiency with emphasis on dialogues including a wide range of vocabulary necessary for general conversation. Dialogues and oral practice are correlated with grammar covered in the three-credit ITA*101 (Formerly ITAL 101) course. Students work with a cassette program at home for further intensive practice in speaking and listening. Students must concurrently enroll in ITA*101 (Formerly ITAL 101).
1.00 Credits
(Formerly ITAL 106, Elementary Conversational Italian) Development of conversational proficiency with emphasis on dialogues including a wide range of vocabulary necessary for general conversation. Dialogues and oral practice are correlated with grammar covered in the three-credit Italian 102 course. Students work with a cassette program at home for further intensive practice in speaking and listening. Students must concurrently enroll in
3.00 Credits
(Formerly MATH 98, Pre-Algebra) A course which emphasizes the understanding of the basic concepts and skills of arithmetic (whole numbers, signed numbers, decimals, fractions, ratios and proportion, percent and estimation) through applications in elementary geometry, measurement and other areas. Also included are topics which provide a transition to algebra (introduction to the concept of variables, expressions, equations and graphs). Credit does not count toward meeting degree requirements.
3.00 Credits
(Formerly MATH 101, Fundamentals of Algebra I) An introductory course in the basics of algebra. Topics include the real number system and properties; linear equations and inequalities in one variable-solutions, models, and applications; graphing linear equations in two variables-slope and intercepts; integral exponents and laws of exponents; polynomials-addition, subtraction, multiplication, factoring, solving quadratic equations by factoring; square roots. Credit does not count toward meeting degree requirements. Prerequisite: "C" or better in MAT*075 (FormerlyMath 98), placement test, and/or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
(Formerly MATH 104) A survey course to develop the abilities to interpret and reason with information that involves mathematical ideas or numbers. This course will prepare students for the mathematics they will encounter in other college courses and in their career, as well as help develop critical thinking and problem solving skills needed in all areas of life. Topics include: principles of reasoning, problem solving techniques, basic statistics, every day mathematical models, and the mathematics involved in personal finance, the arts, careers, and society in general. NOTE: This course does NOT cover the algebra skills necessary for intermediate algebra through calculus and statistics. Prerequisite: "C" or better in MAT*095 (FormerlyMATH 101), placement in MAT*137 (Formerly MATH 102) or higher, and/or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
(Formerly MATH 121) A continuation of MAT*095. Topics include linear, quadratic, and power functions; rational expressions and equations; radical expressions, equations and introduction to complex numbers; and systems of equations. There will be an emphasis on modeling and applications for all topics. Prerequisite: "C" or better in MAT*095 (FormerlyMATH 101), placement test, and/or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
(Formerly MATH 120) An examination of the nature of mathematics through a survey of the following topics; inductive and deductive reasoning, sets, various numeration systems and properties, logic, and counting methods. Prerequisite: "C" or better in MAT*137 (FormerlyMATH 121) or placement.
3.00 Credits
(Formerly MATH 124, College Mathematics) This is a survey course designed to acquaint the student with mathematical ideas not normally encountered at the pre-college level. The course conveys something about the nature of mathematicsits methods, uses, and roles in society- through an elementary introduction to topics such as: Functions, Art in Mathematics, Logic, Number Theory, Computer Science, Statistics, Probability Theory, Graph Theory. Prerequisite: "C" or better in MAT*137 (FormerlyMATH 121) or placement.
4.00 Credits
(Formerly MATH 212) Graphs and charts, measures of central tendency and variation. Elementary probability theory, random variables, probability distributions, with emphasis on the binomial and normal. Sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, correlation and linear regression, use of technology included. Prerequisite: "C" or better in MAT*137 (FormerlyMATH 121) or placement.
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