Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Applies social work skills, values and knowledge to the engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation processes with groups, organizations and communities. Emphasis on ethics and diversity in practice. Prerequisite: SOWK 5300.
3.00 Credits
Covers design, implementation and interpretation of research in social work practice settings. Presents methods of program evaluation and practice research at all system levels using both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Prerequisite: admission into the MSW program.
3.00 Credits
Provides the opportunity for students to learn through experience the skills of entry-level generalist social work practice. The course consists of supervised practice, in a community service agency, of social work knowledge, values and skills learned in the classroom. Prerequisites: Students must have completed, or be concurrently enrolled in, SOWK 5100, SOWK 5200, SOWK 5300, and SOWK 5400.
5.00 - 10.00 Credits
Provides the opportunity for students to learn through experience the skills of entry-level generalist social work practice. Consists of supervised practice, in a community service agency, of social work knowledge, values and skills learned in the classroom. Prerequisites: SOWK 5450.
2.00 Credits
Designed for MSW advanced standing students to address research methods and analysis in the context of the generalist problem-solving approach. Prerequisite: admission to the MSW advanced standing program; concurrent enrollment in SOWK 5499.
2.00 Credits
Addresses socio-behavioral practice theories and principles relevant to work with large client systems including groups, organizations, and communities. Prerequisites: admission into graduate social work program as an advanced standing student.
3.00 Credits
Designed to prepare newly admitted advanced standing MSW students for advanced generalist practice. Covers in depth, theoretical perspectives practice with individuals and families, ethics and values, the social work relationship, the problem-solving process, interviewing, intervention, and evaluation skills. Focus on evidence-based practice models will be addressed. Prerequisite: admission to the MSW advanced standing program; concurrent enrollment in SOWK 5495.
3.00 Credits
Advanced generalist course builds on foundation and advanced year courses to prepare students to conduct comparative and advanced policy analysis and develop practice/advocacy components. Emphasis is given to policy practice issues that address economic and social justice, diversity, populations at risk, and ethics and values. Prerequisites: SOWK 5310 and SOWK 5115 or advanced standing.
3.00 Credits
Examines issues of child and family welfare in the context of national, state, and local policy and practice. Social and economic justice are examined as they relate to interventions with children and families. Dual listed with SOWK 4550. Prerequisites: admission to advanced standing or SOWK 5100 and 5200.
3.00 Credits
Advanced applications of generalist problem-solving theories and skills in working with individuals and groups in the context of their environment. Issues of ethics, rural practice, diversity, and evaluations of practice addressed throughout the course. Prerequisites: SOWK 5300 and SOWK 5310 or advanced standing.
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