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4.00 Credits
Mathematical models will be formulated and applied to simulate water flow and chemical transport in soil and groundwater systems. Soil spatial variability and heterogeneity will be considered in the modeling processes. Using and comparing models, students will obtain the capability to transfer a physical problem to a mathematical model, to use numerical methods, such as the finite element method, to solve the mathematical problem, and to correctly interpret the numerical outputs. Students will develop and program numerical solutions for select problems and will utilize existing codes for modeling a variety of comprehensive problems.
4.00 Credits
Processes of soil development and methods of description, survey and classification. Includes field trips which examine soils in the Laramie Basin and surrounding mountains. Dual listed with SOIL 4120. Prerequisite: SOIL 2010.
3.00 Credits
Evaluation of the chemical and physical properties and reactions that occur in the soil environment. Fundamental principles of soil mineralogy, organic matter, and equilibrium chemistry as they relate to soil chemical reactions, plant nutrient availability, and pedogenetic processes will be emphasized. Dual listed with SOIL 4130. Prerequisite: MATH 1400, CHEM 1030 or CHEM 1060 and AECL 2010.
2.00 Credits
Laboratory techniques and methods of analysis are used to examine soils, sediments, and water chemical characteristics and reactions. Experiments include data analysis, computer models, nutrient and contaminant characteristics, mineral properties, soil/sediment oxidation-reduction reactions as well as others. Students are required to develop a soil chemistry experiment in their area of interest. Dual listed with SOIL 4135. Prerequisite: completion or concurrent enrollment in SOIL 4130/5130 or GEOL 4777/5777.
4.00 Credits
Fundamental principles of soil microbiology and how they relate to microbial ecology, environmental contamination, agriculture and forestry. Dual listed with SOIL 4140. Prerequisite: SOIL 2010.
3.00 Credits
Characteristics and management of forest and range soils primarily in arid environments. Examines pedagogical units representative of forest and ranges and soil properties, such as nutrient availability and water relations, which influence plant growth. Dual listed with SOIL 4150. Prerequisite: SOIL 2010 and LIFE 2020.
3.00 Credits
Soil properties, processes, and management practices that affect the capacity of the soil to supply nutrients to plants, resist degradation, recover from disturbance, and accumulate and store carbon. Dual listed with SOIL 4160. Prerequisite: AECL 2010.
4.00 Credits
Introduction to methods for collecting, preparing and analyzing environment solid and solution samples. Instrumental methods, quality control/quality assurance and data analysis will be emphasized. Laboratory sessions will require student participation in analysis of different environmental samples. Dual listed with SOIL 4170. Prerequisites: CHEM 1030, CHEM 1060, and recommend CHEM 2230.
3.00 Credits
Trains students in predicting the fate of environmental contaminants (e.g., cadmium, lead, selenium, arsenic and molybdenum) in coal mine spoils and coal combustion solid wastes. Emphasis is placed on chemical speciation, adsorption/desorption, and precipitation/dissolution processes. Mobility of contaminants is predicted using chemical models (MINTEQA2, GEOCHEM, WATEQFC). New approaches for remediation of environmental contaminants are presented. Prerequisites: CHEM 1020 and MATH 2200.
3.00 Credits
Designed to provide general geostatistical analyses and their applications for spatial random variables and functions. Topics covered include variogram, cross validation, kriging, cokriging, sampling strategies, and both non-conditional and conditional simulations. Several geostatistics packages are used to analyze real field data and students are encouraged to use their own data for practicing geostatistical applications. Examples are taken from geohydrology, soil science, crop science, mining, and various environmental studies. Cross listed with GEOL/STAT 5430. Prerequisite: STAT 4020.
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