Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    Surveys development studies and rural change, including case studies of deliberate change efforts toward industrialization. Includes peasant modes of food production, daily life in subsistence, agriculture, shifts to commercial agriculture and global economy, ethical and critical issues of induced change and different approaches to development process and outcomes. Cross listed with INST 4110. Prerequisite: SOC 1000 or ANTH 1200; SOC 3000 recommended.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Two major themes of the course are change experienced by the family institution and the centrality of the family in America today. Subjects that are covered include: a brief history of the family in the U.S., kinship, family structure, mate-selection, marriage, divorce and socialization. Dual listed with SOC 5140. Prerequisites: 6 hours of sociology (including SOC 1000) and junior standing.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Compares family structures in different industrialized societies throughout the world. Dual listed with SOC 5150. Prerequisite: SOC 1000, ANTH 1200 or equivalent.
  • 3.00 Credits

    The process of aging from the individual to the societal level is the focus of the course. Consequences of this process such as the increase in the number of elderly, retirement and health are examined for the major social institutions, the relationships between these institutions and American society as a whole. Dual listed with SOC 5160. Prerequisite: 6 hours of sociology (including SOC 1000) and at least junior standing.
  • 3.00 Credits

    A consideration of sociological concepts such as inequality, stratification, social control and social change in an analysis of the law and legal institutions. Topics include: the role of the police, lawyers, judges, and juries; race, sex, age, and sexuality discrimination and civil rights; free speech, and toxic torts. Cross listed with CRMJ 4250. Prerequisites: SOC 1000 and upper division status.
  • 3.00 Credits

    A sociological examination of specific examples of discrimination and justice within the law and the legal system. Topics routinely vary and may include race, gender, religion, cultures, or sexuality. Class may be repeated for credit when topics differ. Cross listed with CRMJ 4270. Prerequisites: SOC 1000 and junior standing.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Compares the incidence, trends, control, treatment and prevention of crime across nations using mainstream criminological theories. Examines criminal justice systems from an international perspective and draws lessons for the American society. Explores forms of international cooperation and difficulties in the control of transnational crimes. Cross listed with CRMJ 4280. Prerequisites: CRMJ 2120 or CRMJ 2400 or SOC 1000 or SOC 3400.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Analyzes structure of political and economic interdependence among nation-states. Reviews and assesses theoretical approaches to explaining changing structure of inequality, power, war and peace. Dual listed with SOC 5300; cross listed with POLS/INST 4300. Prerequisite: SOC 1000 or ANTH 1200 or equivalent political science, international studies, or social science course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    A consideration of sociological concepts such as inequality, stratification, social control and social change in an analysis of the law and legal institutions. Topics include: the role of the police, lawyers, judges, and juries; race, sex, age, and sexuality discrimination and civil rights; free speech, and toxic torts. Cross listed with CRMJ 4350; dual listed with SOC 5350. Prerequisites: 6 hours of sociology/criminal justice, including SOC 1000, and at least junior standing.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Explores the lives of American Indian women in a variety of contexts through time. The complexity and diversity of Indian women's experiences throughout history are emphasized. Much of the class concerns Indian women's lives within the reality of European American colonization and its consequences for Indian peoples. Cross listed with AIST/WMST 4360. Prerequisites: 6 hours of 2000-level AIST classes.
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