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3.00 Credits
Focuses on three major movements within the Chicana/o community; labor, nationalism, and feminism. Students assess these three movements to determine what role they have played in transforming the social and political identity of the Chicana/o and Latina/o population in the US. Cross listed with CHST/WMST 3800. Prerequisites: CHST 1100, SOC 1000 or WMST 1080.
3.00 Credits
Study of political theory, political organization, political mobilization, the state, nation-building, national identity, post-nationalism, the relationship between the state and markets, historic formation of the nation-state and the changing role of the state in a global context. Prerequisites: SOC 1000.
3.00 Credits
Examines the emergence and development of sociological theory in the writings of thinkers such as Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. Explores continuities and discontinuities between the classical period of sociological theory and contemporary schools such as functionalism, conflict theory, neo-Marxian theories, symbolic interactionism, phenomenology, and rational choice/exchange theory. Prerequisite: 9 credit hours of sociology, including SOC 1000.
3.00 Credits
Explores how ecology, technology, politics, economics, and culture intersect. By analyzing key contemporary environmental debates, students will develop an understanding of sociological analyses, and the impact of social life on our environment, as well as the effect of the environment on social life. Topics covered include: the environmental movement; sustainable development; developing nations and their environment; capitalism and technology; and environmental justice. Cross listed with ENR 3950. Prerequisite: SOC 1000.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on structure and consequences of unequal access to political, economic and prestige benefits in American society and the world. Critically examines institutional arrangements that perpetuate and are supported by inequality, as well as patterns of social mobility. Prerequisite: SOC 1000 or equivalent.
3.00 Credits
Examines social organization of work--especially in response to change in technology, demands for equal opportunity, size and goals of firms and desires for meaningful work. Historically and comparatively analyzes work-life experiences shaping of labor markets and role of collective action. Explores impact of the labor process on distribution of society's material and symbolic rewards. Dual listed with SOC 5020. Prerequisite: SOC 1000, MGT 3210 or ECON 1010.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the structure and consequences of unequal access to political,economic and social benefits in U.S. society and the world. This course critically examines institutional arrangements that perpetuate and are supported by inequality and stratification, as well as patterns of social mobility. Prerequisites: SOC 1000 and junior standing.
3.00 Credits
Applications of least-squares and iterative maximum-likelihood methods for drawing cause and effect conclusions from non-experimental data. Topics include regression-based path analysis, reciprocal causation, confirmatory factor analysis, measurement error, and structural equation models with unmeasured (latent) variables. Prerequisites: one of STAT 3050, 4010, 5050, 5060, 5070, 5080 or equivalent (regression methods).
4.00 Credits
Capstone course for sociology majors. Examines design and conduct of social research. Requires students to complete a research project, including formulating a research question, analyzing quantitative data, and writing a research report.Prerequisites: STAT/SOC 2070 or equivalent, senior standing in sociology major, completion of WB.
4.00 Credits
This course will examine the design and conduct of social research. Students will complete a research prospectus, including formulating a sociological research question, developing hypotheses, conducting a literature review, surveying prospective data, speculating about potential findings, and discussing implications. This course satisfies the USP-WC requirement. Prerequisites: STAT/SOC 2070, junior standing in sociology major, completion of WB, and SOC 3900.
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