Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Surveys basic research methods relevant to scientific social research. Prerequisites: SOC 1000 and 2070 or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Surveys basic research methods relevant to scientific social research. Prerequisites: SOC 1000 and 2070 or equivalent.
3.00 Credits
Studies causes, processes and consequences of institutional transformations in developing, as well as contemporary, industrial societies. Reviews and assesses major principles that account for institutional changes. Cross listed with INST 2100. Prerequisite: SOC 1000.
3.00 Credits
Considers social behavior at the micro level, emphasizing group processes and performance, social judgment and comparison, influence and compliance, and interpersonal exchange. Prerequisite: SOC 1000 or PSYC 1000. (Offered based on sufficient demand and resources)
3.00 Credits
Discusses aging as a lifelong process, involving interrelationships of the individual and his or her environment. Includes future demographic trends, family health care, social policy and mass media.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on women and the aging process with emphasis given to both the problems and promises of aging. Topics to be explored within a multicultural, sociological framework include the definition of self, relationships, community, health and health care, work and service, retirement, economic realities and new perspectives on aging. Cross listed with FCSC/WMST/NURS 2135. Prerequisites: ENGL/SOC/WMST 1080 or SOC 1000 or FCSC 2110/NURS 2110 or SOC 2120.
3.00 Credits
Surveys African societies in their traditional and modern settings. Explores structure, function, and process in African social institutions (family, kinship, gender, economy, politics, education, law, and religion). Analyzes impact of Western contact of these institutions and other internal and external processes that have culminated in the present African condition. Cross listed with AAST 2140.
3.00 Credits
Theoretically and empirically analyzes sexual attitudes and behaviors on the social level. Focuses on American society. Prerequisite: SOC 1000, PSYC 1000 or ANTH 1200.
3.00 Credits
Examines social relations among majority and minority groups by devoting particular attention to race and ethnic relations in the U.S. Encompasses sociological approach to this topic, which emphasizes power structures, economic relationships and cultural traditions historically and today. Devotes attention to social psychological issues, such as prejudice, and social structural issues, such as class inequality. Prerequisite: SOC 1000.
3.00 Credits
Generally introduces the nature of crime, statistics on crime, types of criminal behavior and explanations of crime. Cross listed with CRMJ 2400. Prerequisite: SOC 1000 or equivalent.
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