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1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Special topics pertaining to renewable natural resource management. Intended to accommodate instruction in various specialized subjects not offered on a regular basis. Students may enroll in more than one section of this course provided topics are different. Dual listed with RNEW 5990. Prerequisites: consent of the instructor to pursue study of the topic.
3.00 Credits
Covers remote sensing concepts and applications related to croplands, rangelands, forests, and water. Students learn techniques for monitoring plant growth and vigor, monitoring rangelands, distinguishing invasive species, categorizing forest fires, and mapping water bodies. Students integrate remotely sensed data with other geospatial data. Dual listed with RNEW 4130; cross listed with GIST 5130. Prerequisites: QA or Q course and 9 credit hours in student's major field and junior/senior standing.
3.00 Credits
Covers topics related to analysis of spatial and temporal processes at watershed and ecosystem scales using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Topics include land classification and suitability analysis interpolation techniques, terrain analysis, model integration, and visualization. Sources of potential error and ramifications are examined. Prerequisite: GEOG 4210, GEOG 4140 or equivalent.
3.00 Credits
Ecological impacts of invasive, non-indigenous plant species, the ecological, genetic and evolutionary hypotheses for invasiveness as well as management strategies for invasive plant species. Cross listed with AECL 5400. Dual listed with RNEW 4400. Prerequisite: LIFE 3400.
3.00 Credits
Application of stable isotope measurements to organismal and systems ecology. Lectures address the theory underlying the use of stable isotopes at natural abundance levels as tracers and integrators of important physiological and ecological processes. Laboratory exercises provide hands on experience with stable isotope ratio measurements. Prerequisite: graduate classification in a natural science or agriculture discipline.
3.00 Credits
An interdisciplinary course examining the process and nature of scientific inquiry in renewable resources. Topics include: types of inquiry, forming and testing hypotheses, literature review, methodology, data summary and scientific writing. Each student prepares a study plan, grant or research proposal, journal article or initial thesis draft. Writing is emphasized. Dual listed with RNEW 4510. Prerequisite: basic training in renewable resources, ecology or related discipline.
3.00 Credits
Ecology of shrub-dominated lands and shrub species in grasslands. Location, importance and environmental constraints of shrub distributions. Topics include herbivory, woody plant invasions, competitive interactions, monitoring and population dynamics. Emphasizes familiarity with scientific literature. Prerequisite: RNEW 3000, BOT 4700.
2.00 Credits
Field study in North American shrublands of western US ecosystems. Participants learn from researchers, managers, field activities, required readings and written assignments. Participants will be camping and a fee is required. Prerequisite: RNEW 5540.
4.00 Credits
Acquaints advanced students with environmental factors which affect the establishment and growth of plants. Emphasizes adaptive mechanisms. Lecture with inclusive hands-on laboratory. Dual listed with RNEW 4730; cross listed with BOT 4730/5730. Prerequisite: one course in physiology and one course in ecology.
4.00 Credits
Integrative study of the structure, function, and ecological diversity of forested ecosystems, and the physical factors that influence this diversity, including emergent properties of energy flow and nutrient cycling. Special emphasis is given to understanding forest disturbances and succession, and implications for impacts of management and sustainability are discussed throughout. Dual listed with RNEW 4775; cross listed with BOT 5775 and ECOL 5775. Prerequisite: LIFE 3400.
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